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Coralogix Domain Coralogix Domain

Last Updated: Feb. 26, 2024

Coralogix offers independent domains around the globe allowing you to maintain compliance with local data storage requirements. The domain where your account is hosted will determine the endpoint for your integrations, API configurations, and more.


The following section will provide you with the region and domain for your Coralogix account determined by your Coralogix Account URL.

Coralogix DomainCoralogix RegionAWS RegionTeam Hostname
coralogix.usUS1us-east-2 (Ohio)<team>.app.coralogix.us
cx498.coralogix.comUS2us-west-2 (Oregon)<team>.app.cx498.coralogix.com
coralogix.comEU1eu-west-1 (Ireland)<team>.coralogix.com
eu2.coralogix.comEU2eu-north-1 (Stockholm)<team>.app.eu2.coralogix.com
coralogix.inAP1 (IN)ap-south-1 (Mumbai)<team>.app.coralogix.in
coralogixsg.comAP2 (SG)ap-southeast-1 (Singapore)<team>.app.coralogixsg.com


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.

Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email to [email protected].

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