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Specifying timestamp formats

The DataPrime functions parseTimestamp and formatTimestamp accept a format argument that can be used to specify the format for parsing, respectively printing a timestamp to a string. The syntax is based on the strftime function from programming languages such as Python, C or Rust. It can be any valid string with embedded format specifiers as detailed in the table below. Other parts of the string which are not format specifiers are reproduced verbatim.

Specifier Example Meaning
%Y 2023 Full year since BCE, 4 digits
%G 2023 Week-based full year, 4 digits
%C 20 Century since BCE (first 2 digits of %Y)
%y 23 Short year since BCE (last 2 digits %Y)
%g 23 Week based short year (last 2 digits of %G)
%m 08 Month number (01-12), zero-padded to 2 digits
%B August Full month name
%b Aug Abbreviated month name, 3 letters
%h Aug Alias for %b
%d 07 Day of the month (01-31), zero-padded to 2 digits
%e 7 Alias for %_d (space-padded)
%j 219 Day of the year (001-366), zero-padded to 3 digits
%u 1 Day of the week number, one-based (1-7), ISO 8601
%w 0 Day of the week number, zero-based (0-6)
%A Monday Full day of the week
%a Mon Abbreviated day of the week, 3 letters
%U 32 Week number starting on Sunday (00-53), zero-padded to 2 digits
%W 32 Week number starting on Monday (00-53), zero-padded to 2 digits
%V 32 Week number according to ISO 8601 (01-53), zero-padded to 2 digits
%D 08/07/23 Alias for %m/%d/%y ("month / day / year")
%F 2023-08-01 Alias for %Y-%m-%d ("year - month - day"), ISO 8601
%v 7-Aug-2023 Alias for %e-%b-%Y ("day - month - year")
%H 19 Hours, 24-based (00-23), zero-padded to 2 digits
%k 19 Alias for %_H (space-padded)
%I 07 Hours, 12-based (01-12), zero-padded to 2 digits
%l 7 Alias for %_I (space-padded)
%P pm am or pm
%p PM AM or PM
%M 06 Minutes (00-59), zero-padded to 2 digits
%S 42 Seconds (00-60), 60 on leap seconds, zero-padded to 2 digits
%f 82259081 Nanoseconds since the last whole second
%3f 082 Milliseconds since the last whole second, zero-padded to 3 digits
%6f 082259 Microseconds since the last whole second, zero-padded to 6 digits
%9f 082259081 Nanoseconds since the last whole second, zero-padded to 9 digits
%.f .082259081 Fractional part of a second (3, 6 or 9 decimals)
%.3f .082 Fractional part of a second, 3 decimals (milliseconds)
%.6f .082259 Fractional part of a second, 6 decimals (microseconds)
%.9f .082259081 Fractional part of a second, 9 decimals (nanoseconds)
%R 19:06 Alias for %H:%M ("hours : minutes")
%T 19:06:42 Alias for %H:%M:%S ("hours : minutes : seconds")
Time Zones
%Z Europe/Athens Time zone identifier (only when parsing), IANA
%z +0300 Offset from UTC in hours and minutes, zero-padded to 4 digits
%:z +03:00 Offset from UTC in "hours : minutes" format
%::z +03:00:00 Offset from UTC in "hours : minutes : seconds" format
%:::z +03 Offset from UTC in hours, zero-padded to 2 digits
%t \t Literal tab character
%n \n Literal new line character
%% % Literal percent sign
%-? %-I → 7 Disables padding
%_? %_M → 6 Pads with spaces
%0? %0e → 07 Pads with zeroes


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