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How data is represented in DataPrime

In DataPrime, data is organized using four keypath prefixes: $l (user-defined labels), $m (metadata), $p (timerange metadata) and $d (actual event data). Each prefix creates a namespace within the JSON structure, which separates these different data types and contexts unless explicitly merged by the user.

$l / $labels: User-managed labels

These labels or tags are user-defined and can be used to classify or group events. Below is a breakdown of the fields available in the $l namespace:

Field Description Type
applicationname The name of the application generating the event string
subsystemname The specific subsystem of the application string
category The event’s category, such as type or function string
classname The name of the class where the event occurred string
computername The name of the machine or host string
methodname The method or function related to the event string
threadid The ID of the thread that triggered the event number
ipaddress The IP address from where the event originated string

$m / $metadata: System metadata

This section holds automatically generated metadata that describes the event context. Below are the fields within the $m namespace:

Field Description Possible Values Type
timestamp The time the event was recorded - timestamp
severity The event’s severity level Debug, Verbose, Info, Warning, Error, Critical string
priorityclass Indicates the event's importance high, medium, low string
logid A unique identifier for the log - string

$p: Query timerange

The $p prefix holds the start and end of the current timerange, allowing users to use the time commands to create queries that are relative to, but not constrained by, the query timerange.

Field Description Possible Values Type
timeRange.startTIme The start of the time range - timestamp
timeRange.endTime The end of the time range - timestamp

$d / $data: User data (actual event content)

This section contains the actual data provided by the user, representing the main content of the event.


Since this is the default namespace, you can keep queries concise by omitting the prefix. Throughout this Reference, example queries exclude explicit references to $d for simplicity.

  • Purpose: Holds the raw data that makes up the event content.
  • Behavior: As the default namespace, $d is optional in queries.
  • Example Use Case: User logs or spans

Nested field access

Nested keys may be accessed using dot notation (e.g., or map notation (e.g., $d['my_key.with-special-chars']) for fields containing special characters.


  • Dot Notation: (to access the name field inside user)
  • Map Notation: $d['my-special.log-key'] (for fields with special characters in their keys)