The bottom
keyword limits the rows returned from a query to the last N rows in a given set, according to an ordering expression.
NOTE: When using this keyword, pay close attention to how you order your data.
without grouping
Without any grouping, the bottom
keyword will return the last N values for the entire set of returned rows, according to some ordering expression.
bottom <limit> <result_expression1> [as <alias>] [, <result_expression2> [as <alias2>], ...] by <orderby_expression> [as <alias>]
Example - Get the least active usernames by activity
In this example, we have log documents representing some user engagement with our system:
"user": "Ariel",
"action": "login",
"time_taken_ms": 50
"user": "Harel",
"action": "logout",
"time_taken_ms": 500
We want to understand which accounts are interacting with our platform the least, so that we can remove them from our system. We can do this using the bottom
This will return a list of the bottom 10 usernames by how often they appear in the logs.
With grouping
With grouping, the bottom
keyword limits the rows returned to a specified number, according to a specified order, and grouped by a grouping expression.
bottom <limit> <(groupby_expression1|aggregate_function1)> [as <alias>] [, <(groupby_expression2|aggregate_function2)> [as <alias2>], ...] by <(groupby_expression1|aggregate_function1)> [as <alias>]
Example - Get the least active usernames, with an activity count and total processing time
Continuing with our example above, we now want to see a count of how many events they've performed, and we also wish to total up their processing time, since some events may taken more time than others.
The response from this query will be of the form:
{ "user": "Ariel", "activity_count": 38, total_processing_time_ms: 54000 },
{ "user": "Harel", "activity_count": 31, total_processing_time_ms: 12000 },
Supported aggregation functions are listed in "Aggregation Functions" section.