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move - Move a keypath

Keypaths are sometimes spread out, which complicates queries and makes reading the resulting document challenging. move will move a given keypath to a different location in a document.

NOTE: If a keypath is an object, the keypath and all child keys are moved.


(m|move) <source-keypath> to <target-keypath>

Example - Moving a key to an easier location

Consider the following document:

        "my_data": {
            "labels": {
                "label1": "value1"

We are primarily interested in labels but to access it, we must traverse the object hierarchy. This can quickly make queries needlessly complex. Instead, we can move the labels keypath to a better location.

move data.my_data.labels to labels

This results in the following document:

        "my_data": {}
    "labels": {
        "label1": "value1"

Now, instead of data.my_data.labels, I can simply access labels directly.