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source - Read your data

The source command is a foundational component of DataPrime. It informs the DataPrime engine which datasource you wish to read from.

NOTE: While you can start your query with this, the source command is optional and will default to logs.


(source|from) <data_store>

Basic usage

There are three options for reading data in DataPrime:

  • logs - Data that has been ingested into Coralogix as a log. This is the default value.
  • spans - Data that has been ingested into Coralogix as a span, which is part of a trace.
  • A custom enrichment table, which has been declared via the API or the UI.

Key examples

To inform dataprime you wish to perform your query on logs:

source logs

To inform dataprime you wish to perform your query on spans / traces:

source spans

To inform dataprime you wish to perform your query on a custom enrichment you have uploaded via the Coralogix UI or API.

source my_custom_enrichment_name

Try it yourself

Enter the following into your explore screen:

source logs

You will see that it will pull all logs from the timeframe specified in the UI. The following command, however:

source spans

Will pull all traces, and not logs.