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count_if - Count values that satisfy a given condition

Counts non-null expression values on rows which satisfy condition. Extremely useful for taking multi-dimensional measurements of a given value.

NOTE: count_if is an aggregation function, so should be used in conjunction with a grouping keyword, like groupby.


count_if(condition: bool, expression: any?)


Name Type Required Description
condition bool true bool value indicating if row should be counted or not
expression any false The non-null value to be counted

Example - Tracking high duration HTTP requests in traces

count_if is very useful when we're looking to aggregate on a specific field, like operationName, but we are only interested in a subset of the values. Consider the following traces:

    "operationName": "/home",
    "duration": 567
    "operationName": "/about",
    "duration": 512
    "operationName": "/store",
    "duration": 33

Our goal is to count the number of requests, by operationName, that exceed 500ms. To do this, we can use count_if:

groupby $l.operationName aggregate count_if($m.duration > 500) as high_duration_request_count

Example - Tracking high duration HTTP requests with some error present

count_if is able to assess multiple conditions, and seek non-null fields as part of its calculation. For example, let's say if our HTTP request contains an error, then a field called http_error is populated, otherwise it is null. We can only count erroring documents by factoring this in:

groupby $d.path aggregate count_if($d.duration > 500, $d.http_error) as $d.high_duration_error_requests

In a single query, we're finding our slowest, most impactful errors.

NOTE: If the second field is left empty, then count_if will only use the condition in the first argument to decide if a given event should be counted.