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percentile - Calculate percentiles of numerical values

The percentile function will calculate the approximate n-th percentile from a data of numbers that are passed into it.


percentile(percentile: number, expression: number, error_threshold: number?)


Name Type Required Description
percentile number true The percentile value we wish to find, between 0 and 1
expression number true The expression whose percentile we seek
error_threshold number false The accuracy we should use. Lower numbers are more accurate. Defaults to 0.01

Controlling accuracy

Since the percentile calculation is approximate, the accuracy may be controlled with the error_threshold parameter which ranges from 0 to 1 (defaults to 0.01). A lower value will result in better accuracy at the cost of longer query times.

For example, the following query will be very fast but possibly inaccurate:

groupby $m.severity aggregate percentile(0.99, $d.duration, 0.5) as p99_latency

Whereas the following query will be much more accurate, but may slow down your query time:

groupby $m.severity aggregate percentile(0.99, $d.duration, 0.001) as p99_latency

It's important to draw a balance between performance and precision, depending on your use case.

Example - Calculating 99th percentile from trace data

Let's say we're interested in the 99th percentile of a lambda function. We have trace data, and the lambda function's operation name is Lambda.Invoke. We can then run the following query to compute its 99th percentile:

source spans
| filter $l.operationName == 'Lambda.Invoke'
| groupby $l.operationName agg percentile(0.99, $m.duration)