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arrayConcat - Join two arrays together

The arrayConcat function will join the elements of two arrays together, to produce one array with elements of both.


arrayConcat(array1: array<T>, array2: array<T>): array<T>


Name Type Required Description
array1 array of type T true T must be either string, bool, number, interval, timestamp, regexp or enum
array2 array of type T true T must be either string, bool, number, interval, timestamp, regexp or enum

Example - Creating a global view of waiting jobs

Consider the following document:

    "processing_jobs_waiting": ["job1", "job2", "job3"],
    "loading_jobs_waiting": ["loading_job1", "loading_job2", "loading_job3"]

If we want to see all processing and loading jobs in one place, we can use arrayConcat:

create all_jobs from processing_jobs_waiting.arrayConcat(loading_jobs_waiting)

This will result in the following document:

    "processing_jobs_waiting": ["job1", "job2", "job3"],
    "loading_jobs_waiting": ["loading_job1", "loading_job2", "loading_job3"],
    "all_jobs": ["job1", "job2", "job3", "loading_job1", "loading_job2", "loading_job3"]