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round - Round numerical value to nearest integer

The round function will round a given numerical value to the nearest integer. For example, 1.5 becomes 2, 8.1 becomes 8.


round(number: number, digits: number?): number


Name Type Required Description
number number true The number to round
digits number false The number of decimal places. Defaults to 0 (whole numbers)

Example - Calculate average number of users on the site

When computing averages, we sometimes wish to round to give a more realistic number. It may not be clear to say, There are 3.5 users on the site, so instead, we round to the nearest integer.

Consider the following documents:

    total_users_online: 1093
    total_users_online: 942
    total_users_online: 120
    total_users_online: 123
First, we'll take the average.

aggregate avg(total_users_online) as average_users_online

However, this value comes with a decimal place, which may not be how we wish to present the data. To make a realistic figure, we can use round.

aggregate round(avg(total_users_online)) as average_users_online

Instead of a value of 569.5, we now have a value of 570, which is more appropriate when counting discrete values, like users.

Example - Cleaning up latency calculations from traces

When rendering latency in milliseconds, some of our calculations, such as an average, may result in lengthy decimal fields. We can use round to round a value to a desired number of decimal places. A very common query where users run into this is when understanding their slowest paths:

top 20 $l.operationName by avg($m.duration)

The results from these queries often have long, complex decimal places. We can fix this, using round:

top 20 $l.operationName by avg($m.duration) as avg_duration
| replace avg_duration with avg_duration.round(2)

Now, the calculations will present durations to two decimal places.