concat - Join together multiple string values
The concat
function connects multiple strings together and produces a single string as a result.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
value | string | true | The first string value to be concatenated |
...values | string | true | All subsequent string values to be concatenated, in the order they should be concatenated |
Example - Combining first and last names into full name
Consider the following document, representing a user action in a system
username: "Chris",
first_name: "Chris",
last_name: "McChris"
timestamp_ns: 1728596975144695,
path: "/home",
ip: ""
Using the concat
function, we can join together first_name
and last_name
to form a new field, full_name
Our new document looks like this:
username: "Chris",
first_name: "Chris",
last_name: "McChris",
full_name: "Chris McChris",
timestamp_ns: 1728596975144695,
path: "/home",
ip: ""
Example - Building an Amazon ARN
Documents are often decorated with metadata from a cloud provider, for example Amazon EC2. Consider the following document:
aws: {
region: "eu-west-1",
instance_id: "i-02084e96d21517df8",
account_number: 074157727657
Amazon ARNs are of the form: arn:aws:ec2:<region>:<account-number>:instance/<instance-id>
, and we can use this information to build our new ARN field:
create aws.instance_arn from concat('arn:aws:ec2:', aws.region, ':', aws.account_number, ':instance/', aws.instance_id)
Our new document looks something like this:
aws: {
region: "eu-west-1",
instance_id: "i-02084e96d21517df8",
account_number: 074157727657,
instance_arn: 'arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:074157727657:instance/i-02084e96d21517df8'