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concat - Join together multiple string values

The concat function connects multiple strings together and produces a single string as a result.


concat(value: string, ...values: string): string


Name Type Required Description
value string true The first string value to be concatenated
...values string true All subsequent string values to be concatenated, in the order they should be concatenated

Example - Combining first and last names into full name

Consider the following document, representing a user action in a system

    username: "Chris",
    first_name: "Chris",
    last_name: "McChris"
    timestamp_ns: 1728596975144695,
    path: "/home",
    ip: ""

Using the concat function, we can join together first_name and last_name to form a new field, full_name:

create full_name from first_name.concat(' ', last_name)

Our new document looks like this:

    username: "Chris",
    first_name: "Chris",
    last_name: "McChris",
    full_name: "Chris McChris",
    timestamp_ns: 1728596975144695,
    path: "/home",
    ip: ""

Example - Building an Amazon ARN

Documents are often decorated with metadata from a cloud provider, for example Amazon EC2. Consider the following document:

    aws: {
        region: "eu-west-1",
        instance_id: "i-02084e96d21517df8",
        account_number: 074157727657

Amazon ARNs are of the form: arn:aws:ec2:<region>:<account-number>:instance/<instance-id>, and we can use this information to build our new ARN field:

create aws.instance_arn from concat('arn:aws:ec2:', aws.region, ':', aws.account_number, ':instance/', aws.instance_id)

Our new document looks something like this:

    aws: {
        region: "eu-west-1",
        instance_id: "i-02084e96d21517df8",
        account_number: 074157727657,
        instance_arn: 'arn:aws:ec2:eu-west-1:074157727657:instance/i-02084e96d21517df8'