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formatTimestamp - Writes out a timestamp as a formatted string

formatTimestamp formats a timestamp to a string with an optional format specification and destination time zone.


formatTimestamp(timestamp: timestamp, format: string?, tz: string?): string


Name Type Required Description
timestamp timestamp true The timestamp to format
format string false The format to render the timestamp. Defaults to iso8601
tz string false Must be a valid Time Zone string. See Time Zone section to find out more.

Valid format values

The format argument can be represented by a number of values. Some examples are:

  • '%Y-%m-%d' - print the date only, e.g. '2023-04-05'
  • '%H:%M:%S' - print the time only, e.g. '16:07:33'
  • '%F %H:%M:%S' - print both date and time, e.g. '2023-04-05 16:07:33'
  • 'iso8601' - print a timestamp in ISO 8601 format, e.g. '2023-04-05T16:07:33.123Z'
  • 'timestamp_milli' - print a timestamp in milliseconds (13 digits), e.g. '1680710853123'

Example - print a timestamp with default format and +5h offset

choose $m.timestamp.formatTimestamp(tz='+05') as ts # Result 1: { "ts": "2023-08-29T19:08:37.405937400+0500" }

Example - print only the year and month

choose $m.timestamp.formatTimestamp('%Y-%m') as ym # Result 2: { "ym": "2023-08" } 

Example - print only the hours and minutes

choose $m.timestamp.formatTimestamp('%H:%M') as hm # Result 3: { "hm": "14:11" }

Example - print a timestamp in milliseconds (13 digits)

choose $m.timestamp.formatTimestamp('timestamp_milli') as ms # Result 4: { "ms": "1693318678696" }