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fromUnixTime - Parse a timestamp from a unix timestamp

The fromUnixTime is helpful if you have a keypath that contains a unix timestamp, but it has not been parsed as a timestamp and is a number instead. The UNIX epoch starts on January 1, 1970 - earlier timestamps are represented by negative numbers.


fromUnixTime(unixTime: number, timeUnit: timeunit?): timestamp


Name Type Required Description
unixTime number true The unix timestamp to parse
timeUnit timeunit false The units of the unix timestamp. Defaults to milli

Example - Basic usage

We can simply convert a numerical literal or keypath into a timestamp.

In this example, we interpret a numerical value as the number of miliseconds since epoch. This is then parsed into a field called ts.

choose fromUnixTime(1658958157515, 'ms') as ts # Result: { "ts": 1658958157515000000 }