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roundInterval - Round intervals to a lower precision

roundInterval will reduce the precision of an interval value to some desired timeunit. All timeunit fields that are smaller than the desired timeunit will be zeroed out.


roundInterval(interval: interval, scale: timeunit): interval


intervalintervaltrueThe interval to round
scaletimeunittrueThe highest timeunit to render

Example - Grouping time differences into buckets

Consider the following documents:

    "time_taken": 2h10m15s
    "time_taken": 3h8m15s
    "time_taken": 3h10m15s
    "time_taken": 53m15s

We want to group these values into a bucket per the number of hours taken.

Our first step is to use roundInterval to convert the interval into 1 hour counts.

create time_bucket from roundInterval(time_taken, 'h')

We now have a new field time_bucket in our document:

    "time_taken": 2h10m15s,
    "time_bucket": 2h10m15s
    "time_taken": 3h8m15s,
    "time_bucket": 3h8m15s
    "time_taken": 3h10m15s,
    "time_bucket": 3h10m15s
    "time_taken": 53m15s,
    "time_bucket": 0ns

Next, we want to express these intervals as hours.

replace time_bucket with time_bucket.formatInterval('h')

This will result in the following document:

    "time_taken": 2h10m15s,
    "time_bucket": 2h
    "time_taken": 5h8m15s,
    "time_bucket": 3h
    "time_taken": 3h10m15s,
    "time_bucket": 3h
    "time_taken": 53m15s,
    "time_bucket": 0ns

Finally, we can group by time_bucket to count up each value.

groupby time_bucket agg count() as action_count

This results in the following documents:

    "time_bucket": 2h,
    "action_count": 1
    "time_bucket": 3h,
    "action_count": 2
    "time_bucket": 0ns,
    "action_count": 1