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Service Removal gRPC API


We are introducing the APM Service Removal API for customers who want to regularly maintain their APM Service Catalog. Even if services no longer exist on your side, the catalog in Coralogix lists all previously imported services indefinitely. With the Service Removal API, you can manually remove one or more unused services from your Coralogix subscription.

Here is what you can expect after a service is deleted:

  • The service is removed from the service Catalog list.

  • The service is removed from the dropdown in the New SLO modal.

  • Dimensions based on the service’s span tags/process tags are removed from the ‘Dimensions’ dropdown.

  • The service is removed from the service map, and any connections on the map are adjusted accordingly.

  • The Dependency map is updated. If other services had dependencies on the deleted service, these connections are also adjusted in the UI.


API Endpoints

This reference document lists example requests and responses using gRPCurl. The following calls accept arguments as JSON in the request body and return results as JSON in the response body. A complete list of Management Endpoints is available here.


Coralogix API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys from the Data Flow tab in Coralogix. You need to use this API key in the Authorization request header to successfully connect.


grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE"

Then, use one of our designated Management Endpoints to structure your header.

-d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443

For the Service Removal API, the service name will be ApmServiceService.

The complete request header should look like this:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443


Lists all the services available in the APM Service Catalog. In this example, you are listing information for the browser-api-service , browser-ingress, and cdn-ingress services. Here you will find the id field associated with each service.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF

Example response:

  "services": [
      "id": "5ae06ace-6643-4ad9-80e5-e2de3875cc99",
      "name": "browser-api-service",
      "type": "web",
      "workloads": [
      "sloStatusCount": {},
      "technology": ""
      "id": "2937b289-9e8e-422f-8958-676d75e50f7a",
      "name": "browser-ingress",
      "type": "web",
      "workloads": [
      "sloStatusCount": {},
      "technology": "rust"
      "id": "c2192929-683d-405a-866e-e4e922137d36",
      "name": "cdn-ingress",
      "type": "web",
      "workloads": [
      "sloStatusCount": {},
      "technology": "rust"


Retrieves specific information for a given service from the catalog. In this example, you are retrieving information pertaining the ws-tracing service from the catalog list. You need to provide the service id.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF
    "id": "46f9cc9c-cf83-4575-adb7-3c62345bb499"

Example response:

  "service": {
    "id": "46f9cc9c-cf83-4575-adb7-3c62345bb499",
    "name": "ws-tracing",
    "type": "web",
    "workloads": [
    "sloStatusCount": {
      "ok": "0",
      "breach": "0",
      "notAvailable": "1"
    "technology": "mysql"


Batch retrieves multiple services from the catalog. In this example, you are retrieving information on three specified services from the catalog.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF
  "ids": [

Example response:

  "services": {
    "0e8e7662-d47a-441f-8f0c-f4d1ac952b48": {
      "id": "0e8e7662-d47a-441f-8f0c-f4d1ac952b48",
      "name": "ws-service-catalog",
      "type": "web",
      "workloads": [
      "sloStatusCount": {},
      "technology": "mysql"
    "46f9cc9c-cf83-4575-adb7-3c62345bb499": {
      "id": "46f9cc9c-cf83-4575-adb7-3c62345bb499",
      "name": "ws-tracing",
      "type": "web",
      "workloads": [
      "sloStatusCount": {
        "ok": "0",
        "breach": "0",
        "notAvailable": "1"
      "technology": "mysql"
    "ce970d0a-85d9-4fcc-9872-c5ae8033c0a4": {
      "id": "ce970d0a-85d9-4fcc-9872-c5ae8033c0a4",
      "name": "ws-statistics",
      "type": "web",
      "workloads": [
      "sloStatusCount": {},
      "technology": "mysql"


Deletes the specified service from the catalog. In this example, you are deleting the ws-tracing service from your subscription.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF
    "id": "46f9cc9c-cf83-4575-adb7-3c62345bb499"

Example response:


Body Parameters

idint32The unique identifier for the APM service.
namestringThe name of the specified APM service.
typestringThe type of the APM service. e.g. "web"
workloadsarrayAn array of other service names associated with the service.
technologystringThe technology associated with the APM service. e.g. "mysql"
sloStatusCountarrayObject containing counts for SLO statuses.
└ okstringCount of services with SLO status "ok".
└ breachstringCount of services with SLO status "breach".
└ notAvailablestringCount of services with SLO status "notAvailable".