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SLO Management API


We are introducing the SLO API to enable teams, particularly those not utilizing a UI, to efficiently manage their SLOs programmatically. This API will let you retrieve, read, create, update and delete your SLOs.


API Endpoints

This reference document lists example requests and responses using gRPCurl. The following calls accept arguments as JSON in the request body and return results as JSON in the response body. A complete list of Management Endpoints is available here.


Coralogix API uses API keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys from the Data Flow tab in Coralogix. You need to use an API key in the Authorization request header to successfully connect.


grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE"

Then, use one of our designated Management Endpoints to structure your header.

-d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443

For SLO API, the service name will be ServiceSloService.

The complete request header should look like this:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443


Lists all available SLOs from the entire service catalog. In this example, there are two available SLOs, List_bigger_than_10ms from productcatalogservice and Latency_bigger_then_1ms from the frontend service. Here you will find the id field associated with each SLO.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF

Example response:

  "slos": [
      "id": "049b684b-4ef0-449e-8fad-33e5f90775b4",
      "name": "List_bigger_than_10ms",
      "serviceName": "productcatalogservice",
      "description": "Check if the operation of list products is bigger than 10ms for 50% of the spans",
      "targetPercentage": 50,
      "createdAt": "1970-01-20T11:38:56.476Z",
      "remainingErrorBudgetPercentage": 100,
      "latencySli": {
        "thresholdMicroseconds": "10000",
        "thresholdSymbol": "THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL"
      "filters": [
          "field": "operationname",
          "compareType": "COMPARE_TYPE_IS",
          "fieldValues": [
      "period": "SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS"
      "id": "089d1831-7c40-4a31-bab8-0f64116c18b2",
      "name": "Latency_bigger_then_1ms",
      "serviceName": "frontend",
      "description": "Check if latency is bigger then 1ms ",
      "targetPercentage": 1,
      "createdAt": "1970-01-20T11:40:32.323Z",
      "remainingErrorBudgetPercentage": 100,
      "latencySli": {
        "thresholdMicroseconds": "1000",
        "thresholdSymbol": "THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL"
      "period": "SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS"


Retrieves specific SLO information for a given service. In this example, you are retrieving all SLOs for the frontendservice. You need to provide the SLO id.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF
    "id": "049b684b-4ef0-449e-8fad-33e5f90775b4"

Example response:

  "slo": {
    "id": "049b684b-4ef0-449e-8fad-33e5f90775b4",
    "name": "List_bigger_than_10ms",
    "serviceName": "productcatalogservice",
    "description": "Check if the operation of list products is bigger than 10ms for 50% of the spans",
    "targetPercentage": 50,
    "createdAt": "1970-01-20T11:38:56.476Z",
    "remainingErrorBudgetPercentage": 100,
    "latencySli": {
      "thresholdMicroseconds": "10000",
      "thresholdSymbol": "THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL"
    "filters": [
        "field": "operationname",
        "compareType": "COMPARE_TYPE_IS",
        "fieldValues": [
    "period": "SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS"


Retrieves specified SLOs from the list. You need to provide the id for each required SLO. In this example, we are retrieving List_bigger_than_10ms and Latency_bigger_than_1ms.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF
  "ids": ["049b684b-4ef0-449e-8fad-33e5f90775b4", "089d1831-7c40-4a31-bab8-0f64116c18b2"]

Example response:

  "slos": {
    "049b684b-4ef0-449e-8fad-33e5f90775b4": {
      "id": "049b684b-4ef0-449e-8fad-33e5f90775b4",
      "name": "List_bigger_than_10ms",
      "serviceName": "productcatalogservice",
      "description": "Check if the operation of list products is bigger than 10ms for 50% of the spans",
      "targetPercentage": 50,
      "createdAt": "1970-01-20T11:38:56.476Z",
      "remainingErrorBudgetPercentage": 100,
      "latencySli": {
        "thresholdMicroseconds": "10000",
        "thresholdSymbol": "THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL"
      "filters": [
          "field": "operationname",
          "compareType": "COMPARE_TYPE_IS",
          "fieldValues": [
      "period": "SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS"
    "089d1831-7c40-4a31-bab8-0f64116c18b2": {
      "id": "089d1831-7c40-4a31-bab8-0f64116c18b2",
      "name": "Latency_bigger_then_1ms",
      "serviceName": "frontend",
      "description": "Check if latency is bigger then 1ms ",
      "targetPercentage": 1,
      "createdAt": "1970-01-20T11:40:32.323Z",
      "remainingErrorBudgetPercentage": 100,
      "latencySli": {
        "thresholdMicroseconds": "1000",
        "thresholdSymbol": "THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL"
      "period": "SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS"


Creates a new SLO with given configuration for a chosen service. In this example, you are creating the frontendtestSLO for a frontend service.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF
  "slo": {
    "name": "frontendtest",
    "serviceName": "frontend",
    "description": "Sample description for your SLO",
    "targetPercentage": 95,
    "errorSli": {
    "period": "SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS"

Example response:

  "slo": {
    "id": "0416396c-a1ad-46d8-a10c-a05ea15dc3af",
    "name": "frontendtest",
    "serviceName": "frontend",
    "description": "Sample description for your SLO",
    "targetPercentage": 95,
    "createdAt": "1970-01-20T17:43:33.485Z",
    "remainingErrorBudgetPercentage": 100,
    "errorSli": {},
    "period": "SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS"


Updates an SLO with new field entries for a chosen service. In this example, you are replacing the description content for a frontend service SLO. The SLO is supposed to check for errors in the frontend.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF
  "slo": {
    "id": "0416396c-a1ad-46d8-a10c-a05ea15dc3af",
    "name": "frontendtest",
    "serviceName": "frontend",
    "description": "Checks for frontend errors.",
    "targetPercentage": 95,
    "errorSli": {},
    "period": "SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS"

Example response:

"slo": {
    "id": "0416396c-a1ad-46d8-a10c-a05ea15dc3af",
    "name": "frontendtest",
    "serviceName": "frontend",
    "description": "Checks for frontend errors.",
    "targetPercentage": 95,
    "createdAt": "1970-01-20T17:43:33.485Z",
    "remainingErrorBudgetPercentage": 100,
    "errorSli": {},
    "period": "SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS"


Deletes a specified SLO for a given service. In this example, you are deleting the frontendtest SLO from the frontendservice.

Example request:

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer API_KEY_HERE" -d @ ng-api-grpc.<span class="domain-value"></span>:443 <<EOF
    "id": "0416396c-a1ad-46d8-a10c-a05ea15dc3af"

Example response:


Body Parameters

Field Type Definition
id int32 Unique identifier for the Service Level Objective (SLO).
ids array List of service SLO IDs to retrieve.
slos array List of Service Level Objectives (SLOs) with their respective details.
name string Name of the SLO.
serviceName string Service name associated with the SLO.
description string Description of the SLO.
targetPercentage integer Target percentage for the SLO.
createdAt timestamp Timestamp indicating when the SLO was created.
remainingErrorBudgetPercentage integer Remaining error budget percentage.
errorSli boolean Indicates the presence of an error SLI.
latencySli array Defines SLI threshold and relationship.
latencySli.thresholdMicroseconds string Threshold in microseconds for latency.
latencySli.thresholdSymbol enum Symbol indicating the threshold relationship (e.g.GREATER_OR_EQUAL).
filters.field string Field for the filter.
filters.compareType enum Type of comparison (e.g., IS, START_WITH).
filters.fieldValues string List of field values for the filter.
period enum Period for the SLO (e.g., 7 days, 14 days).


Name Number Description
COMPARE_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED 0 Filter entry is unspecified
COMPARE_TYPE_IS 1 Filters for a specific entry.
COMPARE_TYPE_START_WITH 2 Filters for results that start with the entry.
COMPARE_TYPE_ENDS_WITH 3 Filters for results that end with the entry.
COMPARE_TYPE_INCLUDES 4 Filters for a result that includes the entry.


Name Number Description
THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_UNSPECIFIED 0 Threshold criterion is not given.
THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_GREATER 1 Threshold criterion is greater than the specified number.
THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_GREATER_OR_EQUAL 2 Threshold criterion is greater than or equal to the specified number.
THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_LESS 3 Threshold criterion is less than the specified number.
THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_LESS_OR_EQUAL 4 Threshold criterion is less than or equal to the specified number.
THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_EQUAL 5 Threshold criterion is equal to the specified number.
THRESHOLD_SYMBOL_NOT_EQUAL 6 Threshold criterion is not equal to the specified number.


Name Number Description
SLO_PERIOD_UNSPECIFIED 0 Time period for which the SLO measures results is unspecified.
SLO_PERIOD_7_DAYS 1 Time period for which the SLO measures results is 7 days.
SLO_PERIOD_14_DAYS 2 Time period for which the SLO measures results is 14 days.
SLO_PERIOD_30_DAYS 3 Time period for which the SLO measures results is 30 days.