cURL Version Tags
Set up cURL Version Tags with Coralogix.
You can add version tags per application and subsystem using cURL:
URL: Please use the API endpoint associated with your Coralogix domain.
API Key: To use this API you need to create a personal or team API key. It’s recommended to use permission presets, as they are automatically updated with all relevant permissions. Alternatively, you can manually add individual permissions.
Preset | Action | Description |
CICDIntegration | VERSION-BENCHMARK-TAGS:READ VERSION-BENCHMARKS-REPORTS:READ VERSION-BENCHMARK-TAGS:UPDATE | View Version Benchmark Tags View Version Benchmark Reports Modify Version Benchmark Tags |
Method: POST
Body Schema:
{"iconUrl": string,"name": string,"timestamp": date type (JavaScript date string or epoch milliseconds)"application": string[]"subsystem": string[]}
Application: Your Application name.
Subsystem: Your Subsystem(s) name(s). You can input more than one subsystem name, use comma delimiter ‘,’ between Subsystem names.
Name: Your Version Tag name.
Timestamp: Tag Timestamp. (This is OPTIONAL: If a timestamp is not supplied, the current timestamp will be applied).
IconUrl: Tag's Picture. (This is OPTIONAL: Use an URL (URL encoded) to a valid image file uploaded to a public repository)
Supported Image Formats: png, jpeg, SVG.
Maximum File Size: 50 Kilobytes.
Note: If the URL to the image contains spaces, please use %20.
For example:
Example (GET):
curl --location --request GET 'https://ng-api-http.<span class="domain-value"></span>/api/v1/external/tags/add?key=&application=Application_Name,Application_Name2&subsystem=Subsystem1,Subsystem2,Subsystem3&name=MyFirstTag&timestamp=2020-06-23:09:00:00&iconUrl=your_icon_url'
Example (POST):
curl --location --request POST 'https://ng-api-http.<span class="domain-value"></span>/api/v1/external/tags' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <cx_api_key>' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"timestamp": 1617793927675,
"name": "test tag",
"application": ["prd", "dev"],
"subsystem": ["app", "mobile"],
"iconUrl": "my-avatar.png"
Note: application and subsystem should always be contained between square brackets, even if it is an array of one element, for example:
"application": ["prd"]
"subsystem": ["app"]
Need help?
Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.
Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email to [email protected].