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Downloading Your Security Report Downloading Your Security Report

Last Updated: Oct. 24, 2023

This guide demonstrates how to download your Coralogix security report via API.



STEP 1. Access your API URL based on the domain associated with your account.

.usUnited Statesng-api-http.coralogix.us

STEP 2. Access your Coralogix Logs Query Key.

  • On your Coralogix dashboard, click Data Flow > select API Keys.
Data Flow > API Keys
  • Copy your Logs Query Key.
Logs Query Key

STEP 3. Create the API.

URLhttps:// {{Coralogix domain}}/xdr/get-report
Content Typeapplication/json
AuthorizationBearer {{Logs Query key}}

STEP 4. Schema

Request schema.

	"executionId": string(uuid), // in case it's not provided using the last scan id
	"filter": {
		"region": string[],
		"account": string[],
		"complianceFramework": string[],
		"provider": string[], // "aws", "gcp", "azure", "github", etc...
    "service": string[], // "RDS", "BIG QUERY", "S3", etc
		"testName": string[], // sort name of the security rule (testIdentity)
		"result": string[] // (enum) "Passed", "Failed"
		"severity": int[], // (enum) 1 - Low, 2 - Medium, 3 - High, 4 - Critical 
		"active": string[] // (enum): "Enabled", "Disabled"

Note: Every field in the request payload is optional. Passing a null value or ignoring that field is the same as passing an empty list.

Compliance frameworks and short names:

CIS AWS 1.4.0cis_aws
PCI DSS 3.1.0pci_dss
SOC 2soc2

Response schema:

	"executionId": string // uuid v4 format
      "region": string,
      "account": string,
      "complianceFrameworks": string[],
      "provider": string,
			"category": string, // From the category view eg: "Database", "Storage", "Identity Management", etc
      "service": string, // "RDS", "BIG QUERY", "S3", etc
      "testName": string,
      "severity": int, // enum: 1 - Low, 2 - Medium, 3 - High, 4 - Critical 
      "resourceName": string,
      "resourceId": string,
      "passed": boolean,
      "active": boolean

Additional Resources

DocumentationCloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.

Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email at [email protected].

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