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GitHub Version Tags GitHub Version Tags

Last Updated: Feb. 01, 2024

GitHub Actions allows you to perform numerous tasks automatically, including using the cURL command to insert a new tag when a release is made or when a pull request is closed for example.

This tutorial demonstrates how to build an automation that will create a new tag in Coralogix upon publishing a new release of your code.

Coralogix Version Tags API Endpoint

This document includes cluster-dependent URLs.

Refer to the following table to select the correct Coralogix Version Tags API endpoint for the domain associated with your Coralogix account.

app.coralogix.inAP1 (IN)https://webapi.app.coralogix.in/api/v1/external/tags/
coralogixsg.comAP2 (SG)https://webapi.coralogixsg.com/api/v1/external/tags/


STEP 1. Create your Action as a .yml file inside our repository in the workflows directory .github/workflows/my-tag-automation.yml.


  • Remember to place the .github folder inside the root folder of your repository.

STEP 2. Add the content of your action.

  • Add the name of the automation and the events that activate it.
name: "Create a tag"
    types: [published]
  • Add the ‘job’ of our automation — the action that it will execute.
name: "Create a tag"
    types: [published]

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - name: create a tag
      run: |
        curl --location --request POST '<Cluster-endpoint>' \
        --header 'Authorization: Bearer <Tags-api-key>' \
        --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
        --data-raw '{ 
        "name": "'"${GITHUB_REF##*/}"'",
        "application": ["<My-app>"],
        "subsystem": ["<My-subsystem>"]

${GITHUB_REF##*/} = a github action variable holding the reference of the action , in this context its the tag of the release.

<My-app> – Your Application name. You can input more than one name, use the comma delimiter ‘,’ between the names.

<My-subsystem> – Your Subsystem name. You can input more than one name, use the comma delimiter ‘,’ between the names.

<Cluster-endpoint> – The endpoint depended on your Coralogix domain

<Tags-api-key> – Alerts, Rules, and Tags API Key should be taken from Data Flow –> API Keys –> “Alerts, Rules and Tags API Key”

API Access Github Version tags

STEP 3. After publishing a new release, the Action will run, and a new tag in Coralogix will be created.

Additional Resources


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Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.

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