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AWS EKS Fargate

Integrate Coralogix seamlessly with Amazon EKS on AWS Fargate to effortlessly collect, analyze, and visualize logs, metrics, and traces from your containerized applications, empowering you with comprehensive full-stack monitoring and insights.


The Coralogix AWS EKS Fargate integration has two independent parts: metrics and traces via OpenTelemetry, and logs via the AWS log_router framework. Each integration can be deployed separately from the other.

Metrics & Traces

This integration leverages the OpenTelemetry Collector (Contrib) to collect your Fargate workload pod and container metrics. It does so by querying the Kubelet stats API running on each node. As Fargate hosts are managed by AWS, node metrics are not available.


  • cx-eks-fargate-otel namespace declared in your EKS cluster [Note: This namespace need not be hosted by a Fargate profile. If this is desired, create a profile.]

  • A secret containing your Coralogix Send-Your-Data API key in the cx-eks-fargate-otel namespace

Create a Secret

STEP 1. Export your API key to a local variable.

export PRIVATE_KEY=<Send-Your-Data API key>

STEP 2. Set your namespace variable.

export NAMESPACE=cx-eks-fargate-otel

STEP 3. Create the secret using kubectl.

kubectl create secret generic coralogix-keys -n $NAMESPACE --from-literal=PRIVATE_KEY=$PRIVATE_KEY

STEP 4. Validate the newly-created secret.

kubectl get secret coralogix-keys -o yaml -n $NAMESPACE

Create a ServiceAccount

In order for the OpenTelemetry Collector to get full access to the Kubernetes API, it will need to bind to a ServiceAccount. Create the service account by running the following bash script. Set the CLUSTER_NAME and REGION accordingly, with the remainder unchanged.

REGION=<EKS Cluster Region>

eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider \\
--cluster=$CLUSTER_NAME \\

eksctl create iamserviceaccount \\
--cluster=$CLUSTER_NAME \\
--region=$REGION \\
--attach-policy-arn=$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_IAM_POLICY \\

Configure and Deploy OTEL Collector Service

The attached yaml manifest will deploy the following:

  • an OpenTelemetry Collector,

  • a clusterIP service for submission of application traces and metrics, and

  • cluster permissions required to query the Kubernetes API.

STEP 1. Set the container environment variables detailed at the top of the yaml file.

STEP 2. Once you’ve adjusted the manifests appropriately, deploy using the kubectl apply command.

kubectl apply -f cx-eks-fargate-otel.yaml


  • This manifest is all that is required to collect metrics from your EKS Fargate cluster and process application metrics and traces from gRPC sources.

  • The OTLP gRPC endpoint is:

Configure and Deploy the Self Monitoring Pod

Since Fargate workloads are unable to directly communicate with their host due to networking restrictions, we cannot monitor the OTEL collector pod’s performance directly. Instead, we have constructed a secondary manifest that’ll deploy a second OTEL collector to collect just these missing pod metrics.

This manifest also has some required environment variables that need to be set, which detailed at the top.

Again, after setting the environment variables, deploy using kubectl apply:

kubectl apply -f cx-eks-fargate-otel-self-monitoring.yaml


For EKS Fargate logs, leverage the AWS log_router built into the Fargate Kubelet to route your application logs to the Coralogix platform through a Amazon Data Firehose.


  • Amazon Data Firehose configured [Note: By following our documentation, you will have configured Firehose to use with your log_router. Though there are other exporters available for the log_router (fluent-bit), it is restricted to ElasticSearch, Firehose and Cloudwatch. We recommend Amazon Data Firehose as it limits added cost while allowing direct submission to the Coralogix Platform.]

  • Proper permissions added to each of your Fargate profile pod execution roles

  • Deployment of the log_router configuration

Fargate Profile Permissions

For the sidecar fluent-bit pod to submit messages to Amazon Data Firehose, it requires put and put batch permissions. This is accomplished by adding the following permissions to every Fargate profile that you wish to monitor for application logs.

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

log_router Deployment

To deploy the log_router, you’ll need a specific namespace with appropriate labels configured in your cluster. You won’t be deploying any workloads into this namespace, so you don’t need a Fargate Profile configured for it.

Though the configuration will look like a standard fluent-bit configuration, only specific sections can be modified and only certain modules can be used. Below is our recommended Kubernetes manifest which will deploy the namespace and the fluent-bit ConfigMap.

kind: Namespace
apiVersion: v1
  name: aws-observability
    aws-observability: enabled

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: aws-logging
  namespace: aws-observability
  filters.conf: |
        Name parser
        Match *
        Key_name log
        Parser crio

        Name             kubernetes
        Match            kube.*
        Merge_Log           On
        Buffer_Size         0
        Kube_Meta_Cache_TTL 300s
        Keep_Log Off
        Merge_Log_Key log_obj
        K8S-Logging.Parser On
        K8S-Logging.Exclude On
        Annotations Off

  output.conf: |
      Name  kinesis_firehose
      Match *
      region <AWS Region> (no quotes)
      delivery_stream <Data Firehose Delivery Stream Name> (no quotes)

  parsers.conf: |
        Name crio
        Format Regex
        Regex ^(?<time>[^ ]+) (?<stream>stdout|stderr) (?<logtag>P|F) (?<log>.*)$
        Time_Key    time
        Time_Format %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%L%z
        Time_Keep true


  • The log_router will only be attached to workloads started after the manifest has been applied. You will need to restart your pods in order for the log_router to start forwarding the logs to your Firehose. Find out more about the AWS log router here.

  • You can add additional filters, but they are limited to the following types: grep, parser, record_modifier, rewrite_tag, throttle, nest, modify, kubernetes.

  • If you wish to add Cloudwatch output, you are required to add additional permissions to your Fargate profile. Find out more here.

Additional Resources

Documentation Amazon Data Firehose - Logs


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.

Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email at [email protected].