AWS MSK & Kafka
Use Coralogix Kafka lambdas to seamlessly send Kafka Topics data to Coralogix.
Many organizations collect important operational and business data in Kafka topics and would like to aggregate, analyze, and correlate it with data collected from other sources, in order to enable a better view of the technology and business stack and improve its management.
Use Coralogix Kafka lambdas to seamlessly send Kafka Topics data to Coralogix with our AWS serverless application repository to gain these desired insights into your data.
AWS account with permissions to create lambdas and IAM roles
A ready-made MSK cluster
A ready-made Kafka cluster
STEP 1. Navigate to this application page.
STEP 2. Fill in the required parameters
STEP 3. Check this checkbox: "I acknowledge that this app creates custom IAM roles."
STEP 4. Click Deploy.
Parameters and Descriptions
Variable | Description |
Application Name | Stack name of this application created via AWS CloudFormation |
ApplicationName | Application name as it appears in your Coralogix UI |
If your log is JSON format, use its dynamic value, for example: $.level1.level2.value |
CoralogixRegion | Region [Europe, Europe2, India, Singapore, or US] associated with your Coralogix account domain |
In case that you want to use Custom domain, leave this as default and write the custom domain in the CustomDomain filed. |
CustomDomain | Coralogix custom domain. Leave empty if you do not use a custom domain. |
FunctionArchitecture | Function supports x86_64 or arm64 |
FunctionMemorySize | Max memory for the function itself |
FunctionTimeout | Maximum time in seconds the function may be allowed to run |
MSKClusterArn | ARN of the Amazon MSK Kafka cluster |
NotificationEmail | Failure notification email address |
PrivateKey | Coralogix Send-Your-Data API Key |
SsmEnabled | True, if you want to store your coralogix private_key as a secret |
False, if you do not | |
SubsystemName | Subsystem name as it appears in your Coralogix UI |
If your log is in JSON format, use its dynamic value, for example: $.level1.level2.value . |
Topic | Name of the Kafka topic used to store records in your Kafka cluster |
LayerARN | Coralogix SSM Layer ARN |
You can dynamically set the application and subsystem names by setting the corresponding parameter above with a filter string with the following syntax:
. -
The example
uses the functionName of a computedValues array as your dynamic value.
You can include SAM (Serverless Application Model) in your automation frameworks. If you need access to the latest and greatest Lambda code go to coralogix-aws-serverless/src at master · coralogix/coralogix-aws-serverless.
Need help?
Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.
Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email at [email protected].