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Fluent Bit

Coralogix provides seamless integration with Fluent Bit, allowing you to send your logs from anywhere and parse them according to your needs.

Coralogix supports Fluent Bit v2.0.7 and onwards.


Environment Variables

Unless you want to hardcode your values into their appropriate positions, you must export the following four environment variables when deploying the Fluent Bit integration.

Variable Description
Api_Key Your Send-Your-Data API key is a unique ID that represents your Coralogix team. Input the key without quotation marks or apostrophes.
Application_Name The name of your application, as will appear in your Coralogix dashboard. For example, a company named SuperData might insert the SuperData string parameter. If SuperData wants to debug its test environment, it might use SuperData–Test.
SubSystem_Name The name of your subsystem, as will appear in your Coralogix dashboard. Applications often have multiple subsystems (ie. Backend Servers, Middleware, Frontend Servers, etc.). In order to help you examine the data you need, inserting the subsystem parameter is vital.
Endpoint Find the Coralogix REST API Singles endpoint corresponding to your Coralogix domain.
Enter only the FQDN portion.
Example: ingress.


Open your existing Fluent-Bit configuration file and add the following:

        Name            nest
        Match           *
        Operation       nest
        Wildcard        *
        Nest_under      text
        Name            modify
        Match           *
        Add             applicationName ${Application_Name}
        Add             subsystemName ${SubSystem_Name}
        Add             computerName ${HOSTNAME}
        Name            http
        Match           *
        Host            https://ingress.<span class="domain-value"></span>/logs/v1/singles
        Port            443
        URI             /logs/v1/singles
        Format          json_lines
        TLS             On
        Header          Authorization Bearer ${Api_Key}
        compress        gzip
        Retry_Limit     10

Application and Subsystem Name

If you wish to set your application and subsystem names as fixed values, use Application_Name and SubSystem_Name as described above in your configuration file.

If your input stream is a JSON object, you can extract an Application_Name and/or SubSystem_Name from the JSON by adding our LUA filter just before the OUTPUT:

  Name    lua
  Match   *
  call set_cx_keys
  code function set_cx_keys(tag, timestamp, record) new_record = record new_record["applicationName"] = record["<your_app_key>"] new_record["subsystemName"] = record["parent_key"]["<your_subsystem_key>"] return 2, timestamp, new_record end

For instance, in the following example, JSON new_record["applicationName"] = record["application"] will extract "testApp" into the Coralogix applicationName.

    "application": "testApp",
    "subsystem": "testSub",
    "code": "200",
    "stream": "stdout",
    "timestamp": "2016-07-20T17:05:17.743Z",
    "message": "hello_world",


  • Nested JSONs are supported.

  • Extract nested values as your applicationName and/or subsystemName.


The following is an example configuration.

    Flush           1
    Daemon          Off
    Log_Level       info
    Parsers_File    parsers.conf

    Name            dummy
    Tag             dummy_input
    Rate            1

    Name            stdout
    Match           *

    Name            nest
    Match           *
    Operation       nest
    Wildcard        *
    Nest_under      text

    Name            modify
    Match           *
    Add             computerName ${HOSTNAME}

    Name            lua
    Match           *
    call            applicationNameFromEnv
    code            function applicationNameFromEnv(tag, timestamp, record) record["applicationName"] = record["metadata"]["computerName"] or os.getenv("Application_Name") return 2, timestamp, record end

    Name            lua
    Match           *
    call            subsystemNameFromEnv
    code            function subsystemNameFromEnv(tag, timestamp, record) record["subsystemName"] = tag or os.getenv("SubSystem_Name") return 2, timestamp, record end

    Name            http
    Match           *
    Host            https://ingress.<span class="domain-value"></span>/logs/v1/singles
    Port            443
    URI             /logs/v1/singles
    Format          json_lines
    TLS             On
    Header          Authorization Bearer ${Api_Key}
    compress        gzip
    Retry_Limit     10

Additional Resources

External link GitHub


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.

Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email at [email protected].