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Coralogix provides seamless integration with Logstash, so you can send your logs from anywhere and parse them according to your needs.


Best Practices

We recommend using the generic http output plugin with this integration, given its high level of configurability and metric support for monitoring output.


STEP 1. Share the Ruby code snippet depicting the event structure as it flows through Logstash.

  • [Optional] Use this opportunity to set dynamic application and subsystem fields.

  • The example below adopts a JSON structure and has these fields: application, subsystem and host.

filter {
  ruby {code => "
                event.set('[@metadata][application]', event.get('application'))
                event.set('[@metadata][subsystem]', event.get('subsystem'))
                event.set('[@metadata][event]', event.to_json)
                event.set('[@metadata][host]', event.get('host'))
  • If you prefer that the fields application, subsystem and host remain static, replace the event.get with a plain string, as in the example below.
filter {
  ruby {code => "
                event.set('[@metadata][application]', MyApplicationName)
                event.set('[@metadata][subsystem]', MySubsystemName)
                event.set('[@metadata][event]', event.to_json)
                event.set('[@metadata][host]', event.get('host'))

STEP 2. Once the Event is ready, configure the output itself to send the logs.

output {
    http {
        url => "<Coralogix REST API singles endpoint>"
        http_method => "post"
        headers => ["authorization", "Bearer <Coralogix Send-Your-Data API key>"]
        format => "json_batch"
        codec => "json"
        mapping => {
            "applicationName" => "%{[@metadata][application]}"
            "subsystemName" => "%{[@metadata][subsystem]}"
            "computerName" => "%{[@metadata][host]}"
            "text" => "%{[@metadata][event]}"
        http_compression => true
        automatic_retries => 5
        retry_non_idempotent => true
        connect_timeout => 30
        keepalive => false


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.

Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email at [email protected].