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Open Commerce API

Coralogix provides an easy way to collect your Open Commerce OrderSearch API logs.
The preferred and easiest integration method will be to use our app in the AWS Serverless Application Repository.


  • Your AWS user should have permissions to create lambdas and IAM roles.


  • Navigate to the Application Page.

  • Fill in the required parameters.

  • Click Deploy.

Once the deployment is done the lambda will execute every X minutes based on the ‘lambda schedule’ parameter.

Parameters and Descriptions

Variable Description
Application name The stack name of this application created
NotificationEmail Failure notification email address
ApplicationName Application Name in Coralogix
CoralogixRegion The Coralogix region [EU1, EU2, US1, US2, AP1 (India), AP2 (Singapore)] associated with your Coralogix domain
FunctionArchitecture Lambda function architecture [x86_64, arm64]
FunctionMemorySize Lambda function memory limit
FunctionSchedule Lambda function schedule in minutes, the function will be invoked each X minutes. After deploy, first invocation will be after X minutes.
FunctionTimeout Lambda function timeout limit
LogsToStdout Send logs to stdout/cloudwatch. Possible values are True,False
OcapiEndpoint The full endpoint to the orderSearch API
OcapiPassword The OCAPI password used for authentification
OcapiUsername OCAPI username. used to get authenticated.
PrivateKey Coralogix Send-Your-Data API key
SelectStatement The select statement to be used in the query. Default to (*)
SubsystemName Subsystem name in Coralogix