Prometheus Operator
Prometheus Operator provides easy way to operate end-to-end Kubernetes cluster monitoring with Prometheus and exporters. Use it to collect, process, and aggregate metrics from applications in your Kubernetes cluster and send them to Coralogix.
This guide shows you how to run Prometheus Operator in Kubernetes to export your data to Coralogix.
Our Helm chart is open source and you are welcome to review and make suggestions for improvements in our Integrations repository.
1.20+ with Beta APIs enabled. -
2.9+ Package Manager installed (For installation instructions please visit Get Helm!).
Create a Namespace (in our example, we will use: monitoring):
Create Secret
Your Send-Your-Data API key can be found in the Coralogix UI in the top of the screen under Data Flow –> API Keys –> Send Your Data
kubectl create secret generic coralogix-keys \
-n monitoring \
The created secret will look as such:
apiVersion: v1
PRIVATE_KEY: <encrypted-private-key>
kind: Secret
name: coralogix-keys
namespace: monitoring
type: Opaque
Add the Helm Chart Repo
helm repo add coralogix-charts-virtual &&
helm repo update
Create An override.yml File
Choose the correct Coralogix Domain according to your account, the domain table can be found here.
endpoint: "https://ingress.<span class="domain-value"></span>/prometheus/v1"
Deploy the Chart
helm upgrade --install prometheus-coralogix coralogix-charts-virtual/prometheus-operator-coralogix \
--namespace=monitoring \
-f override.yaml