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Coralogix Audit


Users with audit permissions can utilize Coralogix audit logs to monitor organizational activity within Coralogix, including all user actions and API operations. This tool empowers you to track actions, ensure compliance, and maintain transparency across your team or organization.

Use Coralogix Audit to:

  • Review infrastructure-related user activities like payment or resource configuration changes.
  • Track before-and-after states of any system changes.
  • Monitor API operations during specific timeframes — from the API call or request, to the resulting action, and its outcome.
  • Create analytics to evaluate activity across your account by product.

How it works

Audit events from all teams are centralized within a designated audit team. With Audit v2, events are logged and delivered to the audit team in real-time as they occur (e.g., when a query is executed or an API operation takes place). These events follow a standardized structure, ensuring efficient querying and compliance-focused analysis.


To view or manage audit team settings, users must have the required permissions:

Resource Action Description
team-auditing ReadConfig View team audit settings
team-auditing UpdateConfig Manage team audit settings

Membership in the audit team allows you to view audit events.


Access Audit

To access Coralogix Audit, navigate to Settings > Audit Account.

Create an audit team

STEP 1. Click on Create new audit team.

STEP 2. Once the team is configured, you can either open the activity of your entire team by clicking Open audit history or monitor the activity of a specific user by clicking on User audit history.


You will be rerouted to Explore to view the relevant audit events in the audit team environment.

Audit team settings

Attaching additional teams to an audit team

Once you have created an audit team for your organization, click Attach to connect other new teams to the audit team.


Change your audit team

Change your audit team by clicking Change audit account.

Migrate from Audit v1 to v2

We strongly recommend that existing users migrate to Audit v2 for enhanced functionality.

  • Enable v2 by toggling the switch to activate the new feature.


  • During the transition, v1 logs will continue to be sent to your audit account.
  • To filter exclusively v1 events:


    source logs | filter $d.audit_schema_version == 'v1'



  • To filter exclusively v2 events:


    source logs | filter $d.auditVersion == 'v2'



  • Once you’ve confirmed v2 is functioning as expected, you can disable v1 logs using the toggle in your settings. Any dashboards, alerts, or features configured with Audit v1 events will cease to function. Users must manually recreate these configurations to ensure functionality with Audit v2.


  • During the transition, both v1 and v2 logs will contribute to your data usage. Be mindful of your audit account quota. Contact your CS representative if you anticipate exceeding your quota.
  • In v2 logs the application name remains unchanged (it’s equal to the teamName), but the subsystem name is changed from service to feature group.

Billing & usage

The audit team has a daily quota of up to 0.025 GB and a retention period of 7 days.

This quota should generally be sufficient for audit purposes. However, using the quota management CLI, you can increase it or reallocate it between teams if needed.

Configure your S3 archive to retain audit logs for longer periods. You can query these logs in Explore or use Background Queries for long-running queries.

Audit events structure

Events follow a unified structure, comprising an audit envelope and an audit payload. Payloads are standardized per event type (e.g., after for create, before/after for update, etc.).

Audit envelope

The envelope structure consists of the following fields:

Field Description
auditVersion Audit log structure version (e.g., v2, v3, etc.).
eventName The name of the event reflects its related features and functionality.
cxFeature The specific Coralogix feature the event data is related to.
cxFeatureGroup Stable Coralogix feature groups, used as the subsystem name of each audit event.
eventKind The type of the event (Action/Update/Delete/Create/Get/List). eventData payload structure is determined by this key.
endpointInfo Provides connection information, like the protocol used to connect to the system, the IP address that sent the request, and the request protocol.
authDetails Authentication details that depend on the type of authentication (API key, user login, or internal context).
actorDetails Details about the actor responsible for the action (organization, user, or team).
eventData The event payload, which contains details about the resources affected by the event and/or the resources themselves.
outcome The logical outcome of the actions. Contains the outcome status and failure type if relevant.


            ipAddress: <ip_address>
            userAgent: <user_agent>
            statusCode: 200
    cxFeatureGroup: metrics
        actorType: User
        username: <username>
        teamId: <team_id>
        teamName: <team_name>
        orgName: <org_name>
    eventKind: Action
    eventName: logs-data-api.ReadData
        authType: Api Key
        apiKeyId: <api_key_id>
        apiKeyName: <api_key_name>
        apiKeyOwnerType: User
        status: Success
        statusMessage: 200 OK

Audit payload

Event type

Each event type has a common payload structure, which is contained in the eventData field and is determined by the event type (eventKind field).


Large payloads are converted to strings and contained in the stringifiedEventData field for increased indexing efficiency.

  • Action

    Contains complex event data with varying structure.

  • List

    Contains a filter field with the resource request.

      filter: <query>
  • Get

    Contains an identifier of the received resource.

      identifier: <resource_id>
  • Delete

    Contains the deleted resource.

        displayName: <display_name>
        description: <description>
        id: <resource_id>
  • Create

    Contains the created resource.

        data: { ... }
        name: <created_resource_name>
        id: <resource_id>
  • Update

    Contains the original and new versions of a resource.

    stringifiedEventData: {
      "before": { ... },
      "after": { ... }

Event type per feature

  • Coralogix Actions

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    actions.order ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION_ORDER Action
    actions.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION_LIST List
    actions.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION_GET Get
    actions.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION_DELETE Delete
    actions.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION_CREATE Create
    actions.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_ACTION_REPLACE Update
  • Alerts

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    alert.snooze ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT_SNOOZE Action
    alerts.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT List
    alerts.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT Get
    alerts.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT Delete
    alerts.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT Create
    alerts.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT Update
  • Alert Scheduler

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    alert_scheduler.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT_SCHEDULER List
    alert_scheduler.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT_SCHEDULER Get
    alert_scheduler.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT_SCHEDULER Delete
    alert_scheduler.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT_SCHEDULER Create
    alert_scheduler.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_ALERT_SCHEDULER Update
  • API Keys

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    api-key.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_API_KEY Get
    api-key.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_API_KEY Delete
    api-key.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_API_KEY Create
    api-key.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_API_KEY Update
    api-keys.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_API_KEY List
    team-api-keys-security-settings.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_API_KEY_SECURITY_SETTING Update
  • APM

    apm.entity.action ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_APM_ENTITY Action
    apm.entity.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_APM_ENTITY List
    apm.entity.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_APM_ENTITY Get
    apm.entity.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_APM_ENTITY Delete
    apm.entity.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_APM_ENTITY Create
    apm.settings.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_APM_SETTINGS Update
    apm.entity.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_APM_ENTITY Update
  • Archive Setup

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    archive-setup.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_ARCHIVE_SETUP Get
    archive-setup.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_ARCHIVE_SETUP Update
  • Cloud Metadata Enrichment

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    cloud-metadata-enrichment.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_CLOUD_METADATA_ENRICHMENT Delete
    cloud-metadata-enrichment.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_CLOUD_METADATA_ENRICHMENT Create
    cloud-metadata-enrichment.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_CLOUD_METADATA_ENRICHMENT Update
  • Custom enrichment

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    custom-enrichment.overwrite ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_OVERWRITE_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENTS Action
    custom-enrichment.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENT Delete
    custom-enrichment.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENT Create
    custom-enrichment.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENT Update
    custom-enrichment-data.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENT_DATA List
    custom-enrichment-data.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENT_DATA Get
    custom-enrichment-data.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENT_DATA Delete
    custom-enrichment-data.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENT_DATA Create
    custom-enrichment-data.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_ENRICHMENT_DATA Update
  • Dashboard report

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    dashboard-report.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD_REPORT Get
    dashboard-report-schedule.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD_REPORT_SCHEDULE List
    dashboard-report-schedule.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD_REPORT_SCHEDULE Get
    dashboard-report-schedule.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD_REPORT_SCHEDULE Delete
    dashboard-report-schedule.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD_REPORT_SCHEDULE Create
    dashboard-report-schedule.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD_REPORT_SCHEDULE Update
  • Dashboards

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    dashboards.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD List
    dashboards.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD Get
    dashboards.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD Delete
    dashboards.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD Create
    dashboards.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_DASHBOARD Update
  • Data usage

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    datausage.get-daily ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_GET_DAILY_DATA_USAGE Action
  • Enrichment

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    enrichment.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_ENRICHMENT List
    enrichment.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_ENRICHMENT Get
  • Events2Metrics

    events-2-metrics.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_EVENTS_2_METRICS List
    events-2-metrics.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_EVENTS_2_METRICS Get
    events-2-metrics.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_EVENTS_2_METRICS Delete
    events-2-metrics.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_EVENTS_2_METRICS Create
    events-2-metrics.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_EVENTS_2_METRICS Update
  • Extensions

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    extensions.undeploy ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_UNDEPLOY Action
    extensions.update ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_UPDATE Action
    extensions.deploy ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_EXTENSION_DEPLOY Action
    extensions.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_EXTENSION List
    extensions.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_EXTENSION Get
  • Forwarders

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    forwarders.test ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_FORWARDERS_TEST Action
    forwarders.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_FORWARDERS List
    forwarders.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_FORWARDERS Get
    forwarders.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_FORWARDERS Delete
    forwarders.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_FORWARDERS Create
    forwarders.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_FORWARDERS Update
  • Geo Enrichment

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    geo-enrichment.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_GEO_ENRICHMENT Delete
    geo-enrichment.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_GEO_ENRICHMENT Create
    geo-enrichment.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_GEO_ENRICHMENT Update
  • Group

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    group.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_GROUP Delete
    group.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_GROUP Create
    group.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_GROUP Update
  • Incidents

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    incidents.close ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_INCIDENTS_CLOSE Action
    incidents.assign ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_INCIDENTS_ASSIGN Action
    incidents.unassign ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_INCIDENTS_UNASSIGN Action
    incidents.acknowledge ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_INCIDENTS_ACKNOWLEDGE Action
    incidents.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_INCIDENTS List
    incidents.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_INCIDENTS Get
  • Livetail

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    livetail.subscribe ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_LIVETAIL_SUBSCRIBE Action
  • Logs TCO

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    logs.tco.test ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_TCO_TEST Action
    logs.tco.order ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_TCO_ORDER Action
    logs.tco.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_TCO List
    logs.tco.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_TCO Get
    logs.tco.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_TCO Delete
    logs.tco.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_TCO Create
    logs.tco.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_TCO Update
  • Logs Parsing Rules

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    logs.parsing-rules.order ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_RULES_GROPS_ORDER Action
    logs.parsing-rules.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_RULES_GROUP List
    logs.parsing-rules.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_RULES_GROUP Get
    logs.parsing-rules.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_RULES_GROUP Delete
    logs.parsing-rules.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_RULES_GROUP Create
    logs.parsing-rules.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_LOGS_RULES_GROUP Update
  • Logs data API

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    logs-data-api.ReadData ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_DATA_API_READ_DATA Action
  • Metrics

    Event Name Event Type Field Type ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_METRICS_READ_DATA Action
  • Notification Center Preset

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    notification-center-preset.set-as-default ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_CENTER_PRESET_SET_AS_DEFAULT Action
    notification-center-preset.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_CENTER_PRESET Delete
    notification-center-preset.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_CENTER_PRESET Create
    notification-center-preset.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_NOTIFICATION_CENTER_PRESET Update
  • Organization

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    organization.add-domain ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_ADD_DOMAIN Action
    organization.move-quota ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_MOVE_QUOTA Action
    organization.settings.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_ORGANIZATION_SETTINGS Get
    organization.settings.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_ORGANIZATION_SETTINGS Update
    organization.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_ORGANIZATION Update
  • Webhooks

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    outbound-webhook-types.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_OUTBOUND_WEBHOOK_TYPES List
    outbound-webhooks.test ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_OUTBOUND_WEBHOOK_TEST Action
    outbound-webhooks.list-ibm-ens-instances ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_OUTBOUND_WEBHOOK_LIST_IMB_ENS_INSTANCES Action
    outbound-webhooks.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_OUTBOUND_WEBHOOK List
    outbound-webhooks.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_OUTBOUND_WEBHOOK Get
    outbound-webhooks.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_OUTBOUND_WEBHOOK Delete
    outbound-webhooks.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_OUTBOUND_WEBHOOK Create
    outbound-webhooks.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_OUTBOUND_WEBHOOK Update
  • Recording rules

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    recording-rule.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_RECORDING_RULE Delete
    recording-rule.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_RECORDING_RULE Create
    recording-rule.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_RECORDING_RULE Update
    recording-rule-group.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_RECORDING_RULE_GROUP Delete
    recording-rule-group.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_RECORDING_RULE_GROUP Create
    recording-rule-group.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_RECORDING_RULE_GROUP Update
    recording-rule-group-set.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_RECORDING_RULE_GROUP_SET Delete
    recording-rule-group-set.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_RECORDING_RULE_GROUP_SET Create
    recording-rule-group-set.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_RECORDING_RULE_GROUP_SET Update
  • Roles

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    role.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_ROLE List
    role.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_ROLE Get
    role.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_ROLE Delete
    role.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_ROLE Create
    role.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_ROLE Update
  • RUM

    • RUM settings

      Event Name Event Type Field Type
      rum-settings.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_RUM_SETTINGS Get
      rum-settings.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_RUM_SETTINGS Update
    • SDK versions

      Event Name Event Type Field Type
      sdk-version.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_SDK_VERSION Get
    • Session recording

      Event Name Event Type Field Type
      session-recording.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_SESSION_RECORDING Get
    • Source map

      Event Name Event Type Field Type
      source-map.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_SOURCE_MAP Get
    • Hide errors

      Event Name Event Type Field Type
      hide-errors.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_HIDE_ERRORS List
      hide-errors.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_HIDE_ERRORS Get
      hide-errors.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_HIDE_ERRORS Delete
      hide-errors.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_HIDE_ERRORS Create
      hide-errors.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_HIDE_ERRORS Update
    • Saved filters

      Event Name Event Type Field Type
      saved-filter.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_SAVED_FILTER List
      saved-filter.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_SAVED_FILTER Get
      saved-filter.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_SAVED_FILTER Delete
      saved-filter.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_SAVED_FILTER Create
      saved-filter.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_SAVED_FILTER Update
  • SCIM

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    scim.user.create ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_SCIM_CREATE_USER Action
    scim.user.replace ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_SCIM_REPLACE_USER Action
    scim.schema.list LIST_EVENT_SCIM_SCHEMA List
    scim.schema.get GET_EVENT_SCIM_SCHEMA Get
  • Scopes

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    scopes.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_SCOPE_LIST List
    scopes.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_SCOPE_GET Get
    scopes.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_SCOPE_DELETE Delete
    scopes.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_SCOPE_CREATE Create
    scopes.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_SCOPE_UPDATE Update
  • Security enrichments

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    security-enrichment.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_SECURITY_ENRICHMENT Delete
    security-enrichment.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_SECURITY_ENRICHMENT Create
    security-enrichment.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_SECURITY_ENRICHMENT Update
  • Spans TCO

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    spans.tco.order ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_SPANS_TCO_ORDER Action
    spans.tco.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_SPANS_TCO List
    spans.tco.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_SPANS_TCO Get
    spans.tco.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_SPANS_TCO Delete
    spans.tco.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_SPANS_TCO Create
    spans.tco.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_SPANS_TCO Update
  • SSO

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    sso.set-idp-parameters ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_SSO_SET_IDP_PARAMETERS Action
    sso.set-active ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_SSO_SET_ACTIVE Action
    sso.configuration.get GET_EVENT_SSO_CONFIGURATION Get
    sso.sp-parameters.get GET_EVENT_SSO_SP_PARAMETERS Get
  • Team IP access

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    team-ip-access.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_IP_FILTER List
    team-ip-access.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_IP_FILTER Delete
    team-ip-access.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_IP_FILTER Create
    team-ip-access.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_IP_FILTER Update
  • Team management

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    team-landing-page.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_TEAM_LANDING_PAGE Update
    team-member.remove ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_TEAM_MEMBER_REMOVE Action
    team-member.unlock ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_TEAM_MEMBER_UNLOCK Action
    team-member.add ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_TEAM_MEMBER_ADD Action
    team-member.invite ACTION_EVENT_TYPE_TEAM_MEMBER_INVITE Action
    team-member.list LIST_EVENT_TEAM_MEMBER List
    team-sessions.session-timeout.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_TEAM_SESSIONS_SESSION_TIMEOUT Update
    team-sessions.force-logout.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_TEAM_SESSIONS_FORCE_LOGOUT Update
    team-url.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_TEAM_URL Update
  • Templates

    templates-dates.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_TEMPLATES_DATES Get
  • User management

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    user-landing-page.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_USER_LANDING_PAGE Update
    user-settings.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_USER_SETTING Get
    user-settings.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_USER_SETTING Update
  • Version benchmarks

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    version-benchmarks.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_VERSION_BENCHMARKS List
    version-benchmarks.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_VERSION_BENCHMARKS Get
    version-benchmarks.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_VERSION_BENCHMARKS Delete
    version-benchmarks.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_VERSION_BENCHMARKS Create
    version-benchmarks.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_VERSION_BENCHMARKS Update
  • Views

    Event Name Event Type Field Type
    view.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW List
    view.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW Get
    view.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW Delete
    view.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW Create
    view.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW Update
    • View folder

      Event Name Event Type Field Type
      view-folder.list LIST_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW_FOLDER List
      view-folder.get GET_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW_FOLDER Get
      view-folder.delete DELETE_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW_FOLDER Delete
      view-folder.create CREATE_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW_FOLDER Create
      view-folder.update UPDATE_EVENT_TYPE_VIEW_FOLDER Update

Monitoring audit events

To monitor your audit events, take the following steps:

STEP 1. Sign in to the team designated as your audit team.

STEP 2. View audit events in Explore or Visual Explorer or by creating visualizations in Custom Dashboards.

Monitor & query audit events in Explore

Your audit events will appear in the Logs screen in Explore. For any log, click on the left-hand ellipsis and select Show graph for key from the dropdown menu.


This graph shows the breakdown of actions taken on the organization, team, and user levels for actorType.

Let’s say an admin is interested in querying users with the most actions taken, grouped by user name and team name. The DataPrime query will look as follows:

source logs | filter actorDetails.username != null | filter actorDetails.teamName != null | groupby $d.actorDetails.username as username, actorDetails.teamName as team_name agg count() as count

Create analytics in Custom Dashboards

Create a visual in Custom Dashboards to view audit event analytics.


In this example, the user has created a pie chart to understand the breakdown of events per Coralogix environment. Here you can see the user query failure errors per Coralogix event.


Audit v1 (Legacy)

Existing users are strongly encouraged to migrate from Audit v1 to v2.

Audit v1 users can track actions based on action_details.operation.action; for example, by using the following query: action_details.operation.action:"POST:/api/v1/user/login".

The following is the list of the most common actions which include action_details.operation.operation_payload key:

POST:/api/v1/logquery/saved Save log query
POST:/api/v1/logsparser/rules/group Rules - New parsing rule group
POST:/api/v1/logsparser/groups/reorder Rules - Rule groups reorder
POST:/api/v1/archiveproviders Archive - Configure S3 Archive bucket
POST:/api/v1/archiveproviders/edit Archive - Edit S3 Archive bucket configuration
POST:/api/v1/invite Invites - An invitation sent
POST:/api/v1/invite/request/approve Invites - A user was approved
POST:/api/v1/invite/request/decline Invites - A user was declined
POST:/api/v1/user/forgotpassword/:key Password - Changes the password from the forgot password email
POST:/api/v1/user/forgotpassword Password - Send forgot password email
POST:/api/v1/user/changepassword Password - Change password
POST:/api/v1/user/team/switch Log out / switch team
POST:/api/v1/companies/:companyId/rbac/groups Groups - Get all RBAC groups
POST:/api/v1/companies/:companyId/rbac/groups/:groupId/roles Groups - Add RBAC group role for group
POST:/api/v1/rbac/:companyId/users/:userId/removeFromGroup Groups - Remove user from RBAC group
POST:/api/v1/rbac/:companyId/users/:userId/moveToGroup Groups - Move user to different RBAC group
POST:/api/v1/rbac/:companyId/users/:userId/addToGroup Groups - Add user to RBAC group
POST:/api/v1/rbac/:companyId/users/:userId/addUserToGroups Groups - Add user to RBAC groups
POST:/api/v1/rbac/:companyId/users/:userId/removeUserFromGroups Groups - Remove user to RBAC groups
POST:/api/v1/company/saml/metadata SAML - Update SAML metadata
PUT:/api/v1/company/saml SAML - Get company SAML configuration
POST:/api/v1/alert/:id/snooze Alerts - Snooze alert
POST:/api/v1/alert/snoozed Alerts - Get all snoozed alert
POST:/api/v1/customenrichments/getUploadUrl Custom Enrichment - Upload custom enrichment csv
POST:/api/v1/cloudsecurity/install Cloud Security - Installation
POST:/api/v1/cloudsecurity/getstatus Cloud Security - Get installation status
POST:/api/v1/rulesapi/crud/ruleset Rules - Create rule-set
PUT:/api/v1/rulesapi/ruleset/reorder Rules - Reorder rule set
POST:/api/v1/archivequeries Archive query - New archive query
POST:/api/v1/archivequeries/:id/reindex Archive query - Create new archive query reindex
POST:/api/v1/archivequeries/:id/reindex/:reindexId/query Archive query - Cache reindex query
POST:/api/v1/quota-policies TCO Optimizer - Create quota policy
PUT:/api/v1/quota-policies/reorder TCO Optimizer - Reorder quota policies
PUT:/api/v1/quota-policies/:id TCO Optimizer - Update quota policy
PUT:/api/v1/quota-policies/toggle/:id TCO Optimizer - Toggle quota policy
PUT:/api/v1/quota-overrides TCO Optimizer - Create quota override
POST:/api/v1/external/alerts Alerts - Add new alert
POST:/api/v1/external/alerts/bulk Alerts - Add new alerts
PUT:/api/v1/external/alerts Alerts - Update alert
POST:/api/v1/external/group Rules - Create rule parsing group
PUT:/api/v1/external/group/:parsingThemeId Rules - Update rule parsing group
PUT:/api/v1/external/group/toggle/:parsingThemeId Rules -  Toggle rule parsing group
POST:/api/v1/external/rule/:parsingThemeId Rules - Add parsing rule to parsing group
PUT:/api/v1/external/rule/:ruleId/group/:parsingThemeId Rules - Update parsing rule
POST:/api/v1/external/rules/export Rules - Export rules
POST:/api/v1/external/actions/rule Rules - Add parsing rule group
PUT:/api/v1/external/actions/rule/:groupId Rules - Update parsing rule group
POST:/api/v1/external/action/rule/:groupId Rules - Create parsing rule group
PUT:/api/v1/external/action/:ruleId/rule/:groupId Rules - Update parsing rule
PUT:/api/v1/external/customenrichments/:customEnrichmentId Custom Enrichment - Update custom enrichment
POST:/api/v1/external/tags Tags - Get new tag
POST:/api/v1/external/bitbucket Tags - Get new Bitbucket tag
POST:/api/v1/external/tfs Tags - Get new tfs tag
POST:/api/v1/external/gitlab Tags - Get new Gitlab tag
POST:/api/v1/external/tco/policies TCO Optimizer - Create new policy
PUT:/api/v1/external/tco/policies/reorder TCO Optimizer - Reorder policies
PUT:/api/v1/external/tco/policies/:id TCO Optimizer - Update policy
PUT:/api/v1/external/tco/policies/:id/toggle TCO Optimizer - Toggle policy
POST:/api/v1/external/tco/overrides TCO Optimizer - Add new TCO override
POST:/api/v1/external/tco/overrides/bulk TCO Optimizer - Add new TCO overrides
POST:/api/v1/user/settings/es_api_key API Access - Generate new Logs Query Key for user
POST:/api/v1/user/settings/teams_api_key API Access - Generate new Teams API Key for user
POST:/api/v1/payment/subscriber Plan - Subscribe to payment
POST:/api/v1/payment/unsubscribe Plan - Unsubscribe to payment
POST:/api/v1/payment/changePlan Plan - Change payment plan