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DataPrime is a language that allows to query data by describing a series of operations on it.

This concept is very similar to how the bash command line operates in Linux, allowing the user to compose a set of small processes into a solution that describes what the user needs.

Query Format

Query format is as follows:

source logs | operator ... | operator ... | operator | ...

Any whitespace between operators is ignored, allowing you to write queries as multiline queries that are more readable. For example:

source logs
  | operator1 ....
  | operator2 ....
  | ...

Data Types

These are the data types currently supported:

  • string
  • number/num - A number (double or integer)
  • boolean - A boolean type, with true or false values
  • null - A null value
  • timestamp - A UTC timestamp in nanoseconds
  • interval - A time span in nanoseconds



Set the data source that your DataPrime query is based on.

source <dataset> [<timeframe>]

Example of datasets: logs, spans

An optional timeframe can be specified to limit the data to a specific time range.


source logs



Select events around a specific time and, optionally, within a specified interval. Default interval is 30 minutes.

source logs around <time> [interval <interval>]


source logs around @'2021-01-01T00:00:00Z' interval 1h


Select events between two timestamps.

source logs between <start-time> and <end-time>


source logs between @'2021-01-01T00:00:00Z' and @'2021-01-02T00:00:00Z'


Select events from the last <interval>.

source logs last <interval>


source logs last 1d
source logs last 10h5m30s


Select events that are shifted in time WRT context time range by the specified interval.

source logs timeshifted <interval>


source logs timeshifted 1h # shifts forward by 1 hour
source logs timeshifted -1d # shifts back by 1 day



Calculates aggregations over input.

aggregate <aggregation_expression> [as <result_keypath>] [, <aggregation_expression_2> [as <result_keypath_2], ...]

For example, the following query:

aggregate count() as count, max($d.duration) as max_duration

Will result in logs in the following format:

{ "count": 42, "max_duration": 54071 }

Supported aggregation functions are listed in Aggregation Functions section.


The negation of filter. Filters-out all events where the condition is true. The same effect can be achieved by using filter with !(condition).

block $d.status_code >= 200 && $d.status_code <= 299         # Leave all events which don't have a status code of 2xx


No grouping variation

Limits the rows returned to a specified number and order the result by a set of expressions.

order_direction := "descending"/"ascending" according to top/bottom

bottom <limit> <result_expression1> [as <alias>] [, <result_expression2> [as <alias2>], ...] by <orderby_expression> [as alias>]

For example, the following query:

bottom 5 $m.severity as $d.log_severity by $d.duration
Will result in logs of the following form:
   { "log_severity": "Debug", "duration":  1000 }
   { "log_severity": "Warning", "duration": 2000 },

Grouping variation

Limits the rows returned to a specified number and group them by a set of aggregation expressions and order them by a set of expressions.

order_direction := "descending"/"ascending" according to top/bottom

bottom <limit> <groupby_expression1> [as <alias>] [, <groupby_expression2> [as <alias2>], ...] [, <aggregatation_expression3> [as <alias3>], ...] by <aggregation_expression4> [as <alias>]

For example, the following query:

bottom 10 $m.severity, count() as $d.number_of_severities by avg($d.duration) as $d.avg_duration
Will result in logs of the following form:
   { "severity": "Warning", "number_of_severities": 50, avg_duration: 1000 },
   { "severity": "Debug", "number_of_severities":  10, avg_duration: 2000 }

Supported aggregation functions are listed in "Aggregation Functions" section.


Leave only the keypaths provided, discarding all other keys. Fully supports nested keypaths in the output.

choose <keypath1> [as <new_keypath>],<keypath2> [as <new_keypath>],...


choose $d.mysuperkey.myfield
choose $d.my_superkey.mykey as $d.important_value, 10 as $d.the_value_ten


Convert the data types of keys.

The datatypes keyword is optional and can be used for readability.

(conv|convert) [datatypes] <keypath1>:<datatype1>,<keypath2>:<datatype2>,...


convert $d.level:number
conv datatypes $d.long:number,$
convert $,$d.item:string


Returns a single row containing the number of rows produced by the preceding operators.

count [into <keypath>]

An alias can be provided to override the keypath the result will be written to.

For example, the following part of a query

count into $d.num_rows

will result in a single row of the following form:

{ "num_rows": 7532 }


Returns a row counting all the rows grouped by the expression.

countby <expression> [as <alias>] [into <keypath>]

An alias can be provided to override the keypath the result will be written into.

For example, the following part of a query

countby $d.verb into $d.verb_count

will result in a row for each group.

It is functionally identical to

groupby $d.verb aggregate count() as $d.verb_count


Create a new key and set its value to the result of the expression. Key creation is granular, meaning that parent keys in the path are not overwritten.

  (a|add|c|create) <keypath> from <expression>


create $d.radius from 100+23
c $d.log_data.truncated_message from $d.message.substring(1,50)
c $d.trimmed_name from $d.username.trim()

create $d.temperature from 100*23


Returns one row for each distinct combination of the provided expressions.

distinct <expression> [as <alias>] [, <expression_2> [as <alias_2>], ...]

This operator is functionally identical to groupby without any aggregate functions.


Enrich your logs using additional context from a lookup table.

Upload your lookup table using the Data Flow > Data Enrichment > Custom Enrichment section. For more details, see Custom Enrichment documentation.

enrich <value_to_lookup> into <enriched_key> using <lookup_table>
  • value_to_lookup - A string expression that will be looked up in the lookup table.
  • enriched_key - Destination key to store the enrichment result in.
  • lookup_table - The name of the Custom Enrichment table to be used.

The table's columns will be added as sub-keys to the destination key. If value_to_lookup is not found, the destination key will be null. You can then filter the results using the DataPrime capabilities, such as filtering logs by specific value in the enriched field.


The original log:

    "userid": "111",

The Custom Enrichment lookup table called my_users:

Running the following query:

enrich $d.userid into $d.user_enriched using my_users

Gives the following enriched log:

    "userid": "111",
    "user_enriched": {
        "ID": "111",
        "Name": "John",
        "Department": "Finance"

Notes: * Run the DataPrime query source <lookup_table> to view the enrichment table. * If the original log already contains the enriched key: * If <value_to_lookup> exists in the <lookup_table>, the sub-keys will be updated with the new value. If the <value_to_lookup> does not exist, their current value will remain. * Any other sub-keys which are not columns in the <lookup_table> will remain with their existing values. * All values in the <lookup_table> are considered to be strings. This means that: * The <value_to_lookup> must be in a string format. * All values are enriched in a string format. You may then convert them to your preferred format (e.g. JSON, timestamp) using the appropriate functions.

For more information, see the enrich section in the DataPrime Glossary.


Extract data from some string value into a new object. Multiple extraction methods are supported.

(e|extract) <expression> into <keypath> using <extraction-type>(<extraction-params>) [datatypes keypath:datatype,keypath:datatype,...]

Here are the currently supported extraction methods, and their parameters: * regexp - Create a new object based on regexp capture-groups. * e - A regular expression with named capture-groups.

Notes: * regexp extractor will not overwrite existing keypath.


extract $d.my_text into $d.my_data using regexp(e=/user (?<user>.*) has logged in/)
  • multi_regexp - Create a new array with regexp matches
    • e - A regular expression.


extract $d.my_string into $d.all_numbers using multi_regexp(/\d+/)
  • kv - Extract a new object from a string that contains key=value key=value... pairs
    • pair_delimiter - The delimiter to expect between pairs. Default is (a space)
    • key_delimiter - The delimiter to expect separating between a key and a value. Default is =.


extract $d.text into $d.my_kvs using kv()
e $d.text into $d.my_kvs using kv(pair_delimiter=' ',key_delimiter='=')
  • jsonobject - Extract a new object from a string contains an encoded json object, potentially attempting to unescape the string before decoding it into a json
    • max_unescape_count - Max number of escaping levels to unescape before parsing the json. Default is 1. When set to 1 or more, the engine will detect whether the value contains an escaped JSON string and unescape it until its parsable or max unescape count ie exceeded.


e $d.json_message_as_str into $d.json_message using jsonobject(max_unescape_count=1)
  • split - Extract a new array from a string that contains a delimited list of values
    • delimiter - The delimiter to expect between values.
    • element_datatype - The datatype of the elements to extract. string, number and bool are supported.


extract $d.message into $ using split(',', number)

It is possible to provide datatype information as part of the extraction, by using the datatypes clause. For example, adding datatypes my_field:number to an extraction would cause the extract my_field keypath to be a number instead of a string. For example:

extract $d.my_msg into $ using kv() datatypes my_field:number

Extracted data always goes into a new keypath as an object, allowing further processing of the new keys inside that new object. For example:

# Assuming a dataset which look like that:
{ "msg": "query_type=fetch query_id=100 query_results_duration_ms=232" }
{ "msg": "query_type=fetch query_id=200 query_results_duration_ms=1001" }

# And the following DataPrime query:
source logs
  | extract $d.msg into $d.query_data using kv() datatypes query_results_duration_ms:number
  | filter $d.query_data.query_results_duration_ms > 500

# The results will contain only the second message, in which the duration is larger than 500 ms


Filter events, leaving only events for which the condition evaluates to true.

(f|filter|where) <condition-expression>


f $d.radius > 10
filter $m.severity.toUpperCase() == 'INFO'
filter $l.applicationname == 'recommender'
filter $l.applicationname == 'myapp' && $d.msg.contains('failure')

NOTE: comparison with null currently works only for scalar values and will always return null on json subtrees.


Groups the results of the preceding operators by the specified grouping expressions and calculates aggregate functions for every group created.

groupby <grouping_expression> [as <alias>] [, <grouping_expression_2> [as <alias_2>], ...] [aggregate]
  <aggregation_expression> [as <result_keypath>]
  [, <aggregation_expression_2> [as <result_keypath_2], ...]

For example, the following query:

groupby $m.severity aggregate sum($d.duration)

Will result in logs of the following form:

{ "severity": "Warning", "_sum": 17045 }

The keypaths for the grouping expressions will always be under $d. Using the as keyword, we can rename the keypath for the grouping expressions and aggregation functions. The following query:

groupby $l.applicationname as $ aggregate sum($d.duration) as $d.sum_duration

Will result in logs of the following form:

{ "app": "web-api", "sum_duration": 17045 }

Supported aggregation functions are listed in Aggregation Functions section.


Limits the output to the first <event-count> events.

limit <event-count>


limit 100


Move a key (including its child keys, if any) to a new location.

(m|move) <source-keypath> to <target-keypath>


move $d.my_data.hostname to $
m $d.kubernetes.labels to $d.my_labels

orderby/sortby/order by/sort by

Sort the data by ascending/descending order of the expression value. Ordering by multiple expressions is supported.

(orderby|sortby|order by|sort by) <expression> [(asc|desc)] , ...


orderby $d.myfield.myfield
orderby $d.myfield.myfield:number desc
sortby $d.myfield desc

NOTE: Sorting numeric values can be done by casting expression to the type: e.g.<expression>: number. In some cases, this will be inferred automatically by the engine.


Replace all substrings matching a regexp pattern from some keypath value, effectively hiding the original content.

The matching keyword is optional and can be used to increase readability.

redact <keypath> [matching] /<regular-expression>/ to '<redacted_str>'
redact <keypath> [matching] <string> to '<redacted_str>'


redact $d.mykey /[0-9]+/ to 'SOME_INTEGER'
redact $d.mysuperkey.user_id 'root' to 'UNKNOWN_USER'
redact $d.mysuperkey.user_id matchingn 'root' to 'UNKNOWN_USER'


Remove a keypath from the object.

r|remove <keypath1> [ "," <keypath2> ]...


r $d.mydata.unneeded_key
remove $d.mysuperkey.service_name, $d.mysuperkey.unneeded_key


Replace the value of some key with a new value.

replace <keypath> with <expression>


replace $d.message with null
replace $d.some_superkey.log_length_plus_10 with $d.original_log.length()+10


Rounds the time of the event into some time interval, possibly creating a new key for the result.

If source-timestamp is not provided, then $m.timestamp is used as the source timestamp. If source-timestamp is provided, it should be of type (or cast to) timestamp.

By default, the rounded result is written back to the source keypath [source-timestamp]. If into <target-keypath> is provided, then [source-timestamp] is not modified, and the result is written to a new target-keypath.

Supported time intervals are: * Xns - X nanoseconds (beware of the source-timestamp's resolution) * Xms - X milliseconds * Xs - X seconds * Xm - X minutes * Xh - X hours * Xd - X days

And any combination of the above from bigger to smaller time unit, e.g. 1h30m15s.

roundtime [<source-timestamp>] to <time-interval> [into <target-keypath>]


roundtime to 1h into $
roundtime $d.timestamp to 1h
roundtime $d.my_timestamp: timestamp to 60m
roundtime to 60s into $d.rounded_ts_to_the_minute


No grouping variation

Limits the rows returned to a specified number and order the result by a set of expressions.

order_direction := "descending"/"ascending" according to top/bottom

top <limit> <result_expression1> [as <alias>] [, <result_expression2> [as <alias2>], ...] by <orderby_expression> [as alias>]

For example, the following query:

top 5 $m.severity as $d.log_severity by $d.duration
Will result in logs of the following form:
   { "log_severity": "Warning", "duration": 2000 },
   { "log_severity": "Debug", "duration":  1000 }

Grouping variation

Limits the rows returned to a specified number and group them by a set of aggregation expressions and order them by a set of expressions.

order_direction := "descending"/"ascending" according to top/bottom

top <limit> <groupby_expression1> [as <alias>] [, <groupby_expression2> [as <alias2>], ...] [, <aggregatation_expression3> [as <alias3>], ...] by <aggregation_expression4> [as <alias>]

For example, the following query:

top 10 $m.severity, count() as $d.number_of_severities by avg($d.duration) as $d.avg_duration
Will result in logs of the following form:
   { "severity": "Debug", "number_of_severities":  10, avg_duration: 2000 }
   { "severity": "Warning", "number_of_severities": 50, avg_duration: 1000 },

Supported aggregation functions are listed in "Aggregation Functions" section.

Text Search Operators


Search for the string in a certain keypath.

(find|text) <free-text-string> in <keypath>


find 'host1000' in $d.kubernetes.hostname
text 'us-east-1' in $d.msg


A generic lucene-compatible operator, allowing both free and wild text searches, and more complex search queries.

Field names inside the lucene query are relative to $d (the root level of user-data).

lucene <lucene-query-as-a-string>


lucene 'pod:recommender AND (is_error:true or status_code:404)'


Search for the string in the entire user data. This can be used when the keypath in which the text resides is unknown.

NOTE: The performance of this operator is worse than when using the find/text operator. Prefer using those operators when you know the keypath to search for.

(wildfind/wildtext) <string>


wildfind 'my-region'
wildfind ':9092'


DataPrime supports a limited set of javascript constructs that can be used in expressions.

The data is exposed using the following top-level fields: * $m - Event metadata * timestamp * severity - Possible values are Verbose, Debug, Info, Warning, Error, Critical * priorityclass - Possible values are high, medium, low * logid * $l - Event labels * applicationname * subsystemname * category * classname * computername * methodname * threadid * ipaddress * $d - The user's data

Language Constructs

All language constructs that are supported:

  • Constants: strings, numbers, booleans, regular expressions, null
  • Nested field access
  • Basic math operations: +, -, *, \, %
  • Boolean operations: &&, ||, !
  • Equality and comparison: ==, !=, <, <=, >, >=
  • Text search: ~, ~~
  • String interpolation
  • Timestamp expressions and interval literals
  • Casting an expression to a desired data type: e.g. $d.temperature:number. Type inference is automatically applied when possible to reduce the need for casting.

Field Access

Accessing nested data is done by using a keypath, similar to any programming language or json tool. Keys with special characters can be accessed using a map-like syntax, with the key string as the map index, e.g. $d.my_superkey['my_field_with_a_special/character'].



String Interpolation

  • `this is an interpolated {$d.some_keypath} string` - {$d.some_keypath} will be replaced with the evaluated expression that is wrapped by the brackets
  • `this is how you escape \{ and \} and \`` - Backward slash (\) is used to escape characters like {, } that are used for keypaths.

Boolean expressions for text search:

  • $d.field ~ 'text phrase' - case-insensitive search for a text phrase in a specific field.
  • $d ~~ 'text phrase' - case-insensitive search for a text phrase in $d.

Timestamp Expressions

Expressions prefixed by @ are timestamp expressions and always return a timestamp. They can be either literals (@number or @'string') which are validated at query compilation time, or dynamic expressions (@expression) which is evaluated at query runtime based on the expression's data type.

  • Number timestamp literals:
  • Seconds (10 digits), e.g. @1234567890
  • Milliseconds (13 digits), e.g. @1234567890123
  • Microseconds (16 digits), e.g. @1234567890123456
  • Nanoseconds (19 digits), e.g. @1234567890123456789
  • String timestamp literals:
  • ISO 8601 dates, e.g. `@'2023-08-07'
  • ISO 8601 date/time, e.g. @'2023-08-07T19:06:42'
  • ISO 8601 date/time with time zone, e.g. @'2023-08-07T19:06:42+03:00'
  • Dynamic expressions:
  • Numbers are interpreted as nanoseconds, e.g. @($d.ts_millis * 1000000).
  • Strings are parsed to a timestamp on a best-effort basis, e.g. @`2023-08-{$}`. For extended and customizable timestamp parsing, see parseTimestamp.
  • A timestamp expression of any other data type returns null.

Interval Literals

An interval literal represents a span of time in a normalized and human-readable format, NdNhNmNsNmsNusNns where N is the amount of each time unit. The following rules apply:

  • It consists of time unit components - a non-negative integer followed by the short time unit name. Supported time units are: d, h, m, s, ms, us, ns.
  • There must be at least one time unit component.
  • The same time unit cannot appear more than once.
  • Components must be decreasing in time unit order - from days to nanoseconds.
  • It can start with - to represent negative intervals.

Regular Expression Literals

Expressions surrounded by / are regular expression literals.

The exact dialect of regular expression is dependent on the type of the query. If it is an archive query, the dialect supported is Ruby. If it is a frequent search query, the dialect supported is Lucene.



Timestamp Math

In addition to timestamp expressions and interval literals, Dataprime supports math operations between them: - timestamp + interval: adds an interval to a timestamp - timestamp - interval: subtracts an interval from a timestamp - timestamp - timestamp: calculates the interval between two timestamps - timestamp / interval: rounds a timestamp to the nearest interval - interval + interval: adds two intervals together - interval - interval: subtracts one interval from another - interval * number: multiplies an interval by a numeric factor

Scalar Functions

Various functions can be used to transform values. All functions can be called as methods as well, e.g. $d.msg.contains('x') is equivalent to contains($d.msg,'x').

String Functions


chr(number: number): string

Returns the Unicode code point number as a single character string.


codepoint(string: string): number

Returns the Unicode code point of the only character of string.


concat(value: string, ...values: string): string

Concatenates multiple strings into one.


contains(string: string, substring: string): bool

Returns true if substring is contained in string


endsWith(string: string, suffix: string): bool

Returns true if string ends with suffix


find(target: T, phrase: string): bool

Searches for the provided text phrase in the target value.

Function parameters: * target - the target to search in. The behaviour depends on the value's type: - primitive types such as string, number and bool are converted to strings; - text search in object succeeds when at least one of the values matches (not the keys); - text search in array succeeds when at least one of the elements matches; * phrase - the text phrase to search for. The value is tokenized and the tokens must appear in sequence in the target (that means in the same order and without other tokens inbetween). Must be a literal.


indexOf(string: string, substring: string): number

Returns the position of substring in string, or null if not found.


length(value: string): number

Returns the length of value


ltrim(value: string): string

Removes whitespace to the left of the string value


matches(string: string, regexp: regexp): bool

Evaluates the regular expression pattern and determines if it is contained within string.


Alias for padLeft

pad(value: string, charCount: number, fillWith: string): string

Left pads string to charCount. If size < fillWith.length() of string, result is truncated. See padLeft for more details.


padLeft(value: string, charCount: number, fillWith: string): string

Left pads string to charCount. If size < fillWith.length() of string, result is truncated.


padRight(value: string, charCount: number, fillWith: string): string

Right pads string to charCount. If size < fillWith.length() of string, result is truncated.


regexpSplitParts(string: string, delimiter: regexp, index: number): string

Splits string on regexp-delimiter, returns the field at index. Indexes start with 1.


rtrim(value: string): string

Removes whitespace to the right of the string value


splitParts(string: string, delimiter: string, index: number): string

Splits string on delimiter, returns the field at index. Indexes start with 1.


startsWith(string: string, prefix: string): bool

Returns true if string starts with prefix


substr(value: string, from: number, length: number?): string

Returns the substring in value, from position from and up to length length


toLowerCase(value: string): string

Converts value to lowercase


toUpperCase(value: string): string

Converts value to uppercase


trim(value: string): string

Removes whitespace from the edges of a string value

IP Functions


ipInRange(ip: string, startIp: string, endIp: string): bool

Returns true if ip is in the range of startIp and endIp.


ipInSubnet(ip: string, ipPrefix: string): bool

Returns true if ip is in the subnet of ipPrefix.


ipPrefix(ip: string, subnetSize: number): string

Returns the IP prefix of a given ip_address with subnetSize bits (e.g.:

UUID functions


isUuid(uuid: string): bool

Returns true if uuid is valid.


randomUuid(): string

Returns a random UUIDv4.


Deprecated: use randomUuid instead

uuid(): string

Returns a random UUIDv4. See randomUuid for more details.

General functions


firstNonNull(value: T, ...values: T): T

Returns the first non-null value from the parameters. Works only on scalars for now.


if(condition: bool, then: T, else: T?): T

return either the then or else according to the result of condition


in(comparand: T, value: T, ...values: T): bool where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Tests if the comparand is equal to any of the values in a set v1 ... vN.


recordLocation(): string

Returns the location of the record (e.g.: s3 URL)

Number functions


abs(number: number): number

Returns the absolute value of number


ceil(number: number): number

Rounds the value up to the nearest integer


e(): number

Returns the constant Euler’s number.


floor(number: number): number

Rounds the value down to the nearest integer


fromBase(string: string, radix: number): number

Returns the value of string interpreted as a base-radix number.


ln(number: number): number

Returns the natural log of number


log(base: number, number: number): number

Returns the log of number in base base


log2(number: number): number

Returns the log of number in base 2. Equivalent to log(2, number)


max(value: number, ...values: number): number

Returns the largest number of all the numbers passed to the function


min(value: number, ...values: number): number

Returns the smallest number of all the numbers passed to the function


mod(number: number, divisor: number): number

Returns the modulus (remainder) of number divided by divisor.


pi(): number

Returns the constant Pi.


power(number: number, exponent: number): number

Returns number^exponent


random(): number

Returns a pseudo-random value in the range 0.0 <= x < 1.0.


randomInt(upperBound: number): number

Returns a pseudo-random integer number between 0 and n (exclusive)


round(number: number, digits: number?): number

Round number to digits decimal places


sqrt(number: number): number

Returns square root of a number.


toBase(number: number, radix: number): string

Returns the base-radix representation of number.

URL functions


urlDecode(string: string): string

Unescapes the URL encoded in string.


urlEncode(string: string): string

Escapes string by encoding it so that it can be safely included in URL.

Date/Time functions

Functions for processing timestamps, intervals and other time-related constructs.

Time Units

Many date/time functions accept a time unit argument to tweak their behaviour. Dataprime supports time units from nanoseconds to days. They are represented as literal strings of the time unit name in either long or short notation: - long notation: 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second', 'milli', 'micro', 'nano' - short notation: 'd', 'h', 'm', 's', 'ms', 'us', 'ns'

Time Zones

Dataprime timestamps are always stored in the UTC time zone, but some date/time functions accept a time zone argument to tweak their behaviour. Time zone arguments are strings that specify a time zone offset, shorthand or identifier: - time zone offset in hours (e.g. '+01' or '-02') - time zone offset in hours and minutes (e.g. '+0130' or '-0230') - time zone offset in hours and minutes with separator (e.g. '+01:30' or '-02:30') - time zone shorthand (e.g. 'UTC', 'GMT', 'EST', etc.) - time zone identifier (e.g. 'Asia/Yerevan', 'Europe/Zurich', 'America/Winnipeg', etc.)


addInterval(left: interval, right: interval): interval

Adds two intervals together. Works also with negative intervals. Equivalent to left + right.


addTime(t: timestamp, i: interval): timestamp

Adds an interval to a timestamp. Works also with negative intervals. Equivalent to t + i.


diffTime(to: timestamp, from: timestamp): interval

Calculates the duration between two timestamps. Positive if to > from, negative if to < from. Equivalent to to - from.


divideInterval(i: interval, divisor: number): interval

Divides an interval by a number. Works both with integer and fractional numbers. Equivalent to i / divisor


extractTime(timestamp: timestamp, unit: dateunit | timeunit, tz: string?): number

Extracts either a date or time unit from a timestamp. Returns a floating point number for time units smaller than a 'minute', otherwise an integer. Date units such as 'month' or 'week' start from 1 (not from 0).

Function parameters: * timestamp (required) - the timestamp to extract from. * unit (required) - the date or time unit to extract. Must be a string literal and one of: - any time unit in either long or short notation - a date unit in long notation: 'year', 'month', 'week', 'day_of_year', 'day_of_week' - a date unit in short notation: 'Y', 'M', 'W', 'doy', 'dow' * tz (optional) - a time zone to convert the timestamp before extracting.

# Example 1: extract the hour in Tokyo
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.extractTime('h', 'Asia/Tokyo') as h
# Result 1: 11pm
{ "h": 23 }

# Example 2: extract the number of seconds
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.extractTime('second') as s
# Result 2: 38.35 seconds
{ "s": 38.3510265 }

# Example 3: extract the timestamp's month
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.extractTime('month') as m
# Result 3: August
{ "m": 8 }

# Example 4: extract the day of the week
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.extractTime('dow') as d
# Result 4: Tuesday
{ "d": 2 }


formatInterval(interval: interval, scale: timeunit?): string

Formats interval to a string with an optional time unit scale.

Function parameters: * interval (required) - the interval to format. * scale (optional) - the largest time unit of the interval to show. Defaults to nano.

# Example:
limit 3 | choose formatInterval(now() - $m.timestamp, 's') as i
# Results:
{ "i": "122s261ms466us27ns"  }
{ "i": "122s359ms197us227ns" }
{ "i": "122s359ms197us227ns" }


formatTimestamp(timestamp: timestamp, format: string?, tz: string?): string

Formats a timestamp to a string with an optional format specification and destination time zone.

Function parameters: * timestamp (required) - the timestamp to format. * format (optional) - a date/time format specification for parsing timestamps. The following format options are supported: - 'auto' (default) - alias for 'iso8601' - 'iso8601' / 'iso8601bare' - ISO 8601 format with / without a time zone resp. - 'timestamp_second' / 'timestamp_milli' / 'timestamp_micro' / 'timestamp_nano' - timestamp in seconds / milliseconds / microseconds / nanoseconds (10/13/16/19 digits) resp. - Custom timestamp formats * tz (optional) - the destination time zone to convert the timestamp before formatting.

# Example 1: print a timestamp with default format and +5h offset
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.formatTimestamp(tz='+05') as ts
# Result 1:
{ "ts": "2023-08-29T19:08:37.405937400+0500" }

# Example 2: print only the year and month
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.formatTimestamp('%Y-%m') as ym
# Result 2:
{ "ym": "2023-08" }

# Example 3: print only the hours and minutes
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.formatTimestamp('%H:%M') as hm
# Result 3:
{ "hm": "14:11" }

# Example 4: print a timestamp in milliseconds (13 digits)
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.formatTimestamp('timestamp_milli') as ms
# Result 4:
{ "ms": "1693318678696" }


fromUnixTime(unixTime: number, timeUnit: timeunit?): timestamp

Converts a number of a specific time units since the UNIX epoch to a timestamp (in UTC). The UNIX epoch starts on January 1, 1970 - earlier timestamps are represented by negative numbers.

Function parameters: * unixTime (required) - the amount of time units to convert. Can be either positive or negative and will be rounded down to an integer. * timeUnit (optional) - the time units to convert. Defaults to 'milli'.

# Example:
limit 1 | choose fromUnixTime(1658958157515, 'ms') as ts
# Result:
{ "ts": 1658958157515000000 }


multiplyInterval(i: interval, factor: number): interval

Multiplies an interval by a numeric factor. Works both with integer and fractional numbers. Equivalent to i * factor


now(): timestamp

Returns the current time at query execution time. Stable across all rows and within the entire query, even when used multiple times. Nanosecond resolution if the runtime supports it, otherwise millisecond resolution.

# Example:
limit 3 | choose now() as now, now() - $m.timestamp as since
# Results:
{ "now": 1693312549105874700, "since": "14m954ms329us764ns" }
{ "now": 1693312549105874700, "since": "14m954ms329us764ns" }
{ "now": 1693312549105874700, "since": "14m960ms519us564ns" }


parseInterval(string: string): interval

Parses an interval from a string with format NdNhNmNsNmsNusNns where N is the amount of each time unit. Returns null when the input does not match the expected format. See interval literals for a complete specification.

# Example 1: parse a zero interval
limit 1 | choose '0s'.parseInterval() as i
# Result 1:
{ "i": "0ns" }

# Example 2: parse a positive interval
limit 1 | choose '1d48h0m'.parseInterval() as i
# Result 2:
{ "i": "3d" }

# Example 3: parse a negative interval
limit 1 | choose '-5m45s'.parseInterval() as i
# Result 3:
{ "i": "-5m45s" }


parseTimestamp(string: string, format: string?, tz: string?): timestamp

Parses a timestamp from string with an optional format specification and time zone override. Returns null when the input does not match the expected format.

Function parameters: * string (required) - the input from which the timestamp will be extracted. * format (optional) - a date/time format specification for parsing timestamps. The following format options are supported: - 'auto' (default) - attempt to parse a timestamp on a best-effort basis - 'iso8601' / 'iso8601bare' - ISO 8601 format with / without a time zone resp. - 'timestamp_second' / 'timestamp_milli' / 'timestamp_micro' / 'timestamp_nano' - timestamp in seconds / milliseconds / microseconds / nanoseconds (10/13/16/19 digits) resp. - Custom timestamp formats - 'format1|format2|...' - a cascade of formats to attempt in sequence * tz (optional) - a time zone override to convert the timestamp while parsing. This parameter will override any time zone present in the input. A time zone can be extracted from the string by using an appropriate format and omitting this parameter.

# Example 1: parse a date with the default format
limit 1 | choose '2023-04-05'.parseTimestamp() as ts
# Result 1:
{ "ts": 1680652800000000000 }

# Example 2: parse a date in US format
limit 1 | choose '04/05/23'.parseTimestamp('%D') as ts
# Result 2:
{ "ts": 1680652800000000000 }

# Example 3: parse date and time with units
limit 1 | choose '2023-04-05 16h07m'.parseTimestamp('%F %Hh%Mm') as ts
# Result 3:
{ "ts": 1680710820000000000 }

# Example 4: parse a timestamp in seconds (10 digits)
limit 1 | choose '1680710853'.parseTimestamp('timestamp_second') as ts
# Result 4:
{ "ts": 1680710853000000000 }


Deprecated: use parseTimestamp instead

parseToTimestamp(string: string, format: string?, tz: string?): timestamp

Parses a timestamp from string with an optional format specification and time zone override. See parseTimestamp for more details.


roundInterval(interval: interval, scale: timeunit): interval

Rounds an interval to a time unit scale. Smaller time units will be zeroed out.

Function parameters: * interval (required) - the interval to round. * scale (required) - the largest time unit of the interval to keep.

# Example:
limit 1 | choose 2h5m45s.roundInterval('m') as i
# Result:
{ "i": "2h5m" }


roundTime(date: timestamp, interval: interval): timestamp

Rounds a timestamp to the given interval. Useful for bucketing, e.g. rounding to 1h for hourly buckets. Equivalent to date / interval.

# Example:
groupby $m.timestamp.roundTime(1h) as bucket count() as n
# Results:
{ "bucket": "29/08/2023 15:00:00.000 pm", "n": 40653715 }
{ "bucket": "29/08/2023 14:00:00.000 pm", "n": 1779386  }


subtractInterval(left: interval, right: interval): interval

Subtracts one interval from another. Equivalent to addInterval(left, -right) and left - right.


subtractTime(t: timestamp, i: interval): timestamp

Subtracts an interval from a timestamp. Equivalent to addTime(t, -i) and t - i.


Deprecated: use roundTime instead

timeRound(date: timestamp, interval: interval): timestamp

Rounds a timestamp to the given interval. See roundTime for more details.


toInterval(number: number, timeUnit: timeunit?): interval

Converts a number of specific time units to an interval. Works with both integer / floating point and positive / negative numbers.

Function parameters: * number (required) - the amount of time units to convert. * timeUnit (optional) - the time units to convert. Defaults to nano.

# Example 1: convert a floating point number
limit 1 | choose 2.5.toInterval('h') as i
# Result 1:
{ "i": "2h30m" }

# Example 2: convert an integer number
limit 1 | choose -9000.toInterval() as i
# Result 2:
{ "i": "-9us" }



toIso8601DateTime(timestamp: timestamp): string

Alias to formatTimestamp(timestamp, 'iso8601').

Formats timestamp to an ISO 8601 string with nanosecond output precision.

# Example:
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.toIso8601DateTime() as ts
# Result:
{ "ts": "2023-08-11T07:29:17.634Z" }


toUnixTime(timestamp: timestamp, timeUnit: timeunit?): number

Converts timestamp to a number of specific time units since the UNIX epoch (in UTC). The UNIX epoch starts on January 1, 1970 - earlier timestamps are represented by negative numbers.

Function parameters: * timestamp (required) - the timestamp to convert. * timeUnit (optional) - the time units to convert to. Defaults to 'milli'.

# Example:
limit 1 | choose $m.timestamp.toUnixTime('hour') as hr
# Result:
{ "hr": 470363 }

Encoding/Decoding functions


decodeBase64(value: string): string

Decode a base-64 encoded string


encodeBase64(value: string): string

Encode a string into base-64

Array functions


arrayAppend(array: array<T>, element: T): array<T>

Returns array with an appended element


arrayConcat(array1: array<T>, array2: array<T>): array<T>

Returns array containing elements of array1 and array2


arrayContains(array: array<T>, element: T): bool where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns true if the array contains the provided element


arrayInsertAt(array: array<T>, position: number, value: T): array<T>

Returns array with value inserted at the specified position


arrayJoin(array: array<T>, delimiter: string): string where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Joins the array to a string with the provided delimiter


arrayLength(array: array<any>): number

Returns the length of an array


arrayRemove(array: array<T>, element: T): array<T> where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns array with all occurrences of the element removed


arrayRemoveAt(array: array<T>, position: number): array<T>

Returns array with removed element at the specified position


arrayReplaceAll(array: array<T>, value: T, newValue: T): array<T> where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns array with all given values replaced with new_values


arrayReplaceAt(array: array<T>, position: number, value: T): array<T>

Returns array with value replaced at the specified position


arraySort(array: array<T>, desc: bool?, nullsFirst: bool?): array<T> where T in [number or bool or string or interval or timestamp or regexp]

Returns the input array sorted according to the provided arguments: * desc (optional) - when true, the array is sorted in reverse (descending) order. Must be a literal, defaults to false. * nullsFirst (optional) - when true, nulls are appear at the start of the output. Must be a literal, defaults to false.


arraySplit(string: string, delimiter: regexp | string): array<string>

Splits the string into parts on the provided delimiter


cardinality(array: array<T>): number where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns the number of unique elements in the array


isEmpty(array: array<any>): bool

Returns true if the array is empty


isSubset(array1: array<T>, array2: array<T>): bool where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns true if array1 is a subset of array2 (disregarding duplicates).


isSuperset(array1: array<T>, array2: array<T>): bool where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns true if array1 is a superset of array2 (disregarding duplicates).


setDiff(array1: array<T>, array2: array<T>): array<T> where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns the set difference of two arrays. It includes elements from array1 that are not in array2.


setDiffSymmetric(array1: array<T>, array2: array<T>): array<T> where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns the symmetric set difference of two arrays. It includes elements from either array1 or array2 but not both.


setEqualsTo(array1: array<T>, array2: array<T>): bool where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns true if array1 has the same elements as array2 (disregarding duplicates).


setIntersection(array1: array<T>, array2: array<T>): array<T> where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns the intersection of two arrays (treated as sets): - duplicates are removed - order is not preserved - null is treated as the empty set


setUnion(array1: array<T>, array2: array<T>): array<T> where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Returns the union of two arrays (treated as sets): - duplicates are removed - order is not preserved - null is treated as the empty set

Case expressions

Case expressions are special constructs in the language that allow choosing between multiple options in an easy manner and in a readable way. They can be wherever an expression is expected.


Choose between multiple values based on several generic conditions. Resort to a default-value if no condition is met.

case {
  condition1 -> value1,
  condition2 -> value2,
  conditionN -> valueN,
  _          -> <default-value>


case {
  $d.status_code == 200 -> 'success',
  $d.status_code == 201 -> 'created',
  $d.status_code == 404 -> 'not-found',
  _ -> 'other'

# Here's the same example inside the context of a query. A new field is created with the `case` result,
# and then a filter will be applied, leaving only non-successful responses.

source logs | ... | create $d.http_response_outcome from case {
  $d.status_code == 200 -> 'success',
  $d.status_code == 201 -> 'created',
  $d.status_code == 404 -> 'not-found',
  _                     -> 'other'
} | filter $d.http_response_outcome != 'success'


A shorthand for case which allowing checking if a string s contains one of several substrings without repeating the expression leading to s. The chosen value is the first which matches s.contains(substring).

case_contains {
  s: string,
  substring1 -> result1,
  substring2 -> result2,
  substring3 -> resultN


case_contains {
  '-prod-' -> 'production',
  '-dev-'  -> 'development',
  '-stg-'  -> 'staging',
  _        -> 'test'


A shorthand for case which allowing comparing some expression e to several results without repeating the expression. The chosen value is the first which matches s == value

case_equals {
  e: any,
  value1 -> result1,
  value2 -> result2,
  valueN -> resultN


case_equals {
  'info'   -> true,
  'warning -> true,
  _        -> false


A shorthand for case which allows comparing n to multiple values without repeating the expression leading to n. The chosen value is the first which matches expression > value.

case_greaterthan {
  n: number,
  value1: number -> result1,
  value2: number -> result2,
  valueN: number -> resultN,
  _              -> <default-value>


case_greaterthan {
  500 -> 'server-error',
  400 -> 'client-error',
  300 -> 'redirection',
  200 -> 'success',
  100 -> 'information',
  _   -> 'other'


A shorthand for case which allows comparing a number n to multiple values without repeating the expression leading to n. The chosen value is the first which matches expression < value.

case_lessthan {
  n: number,
  value1: number -> result1,
  value2: number -> result2,
  valueN: number -> resultN,
  _              -> <default-value>


case_lessthan {
  10 -> 'freezing',
  20 -> 'cold',
  30 -> 'fun',
  45 -> 'hot',
  _  -> 'burning'

Aggregation Functions


any_value(expression: T?): T

Returns any non-null expression value in the group. If expression is not defined, it defaults to the $d object.

Returns null if all expression values in the group are null.


groupby $m.severity aggregate any_value($d.url)


approx_count_distinct(value: T, ...values: bool | enum | interval | number | regexp | string | timestamp): number where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Calculates the approximate count of all distinct combinations of values. Does not compute an exact count, but is more efficient than distinct_count.


groupby $m.severity aggregate approx_count_distinct($d.field1, $d.field2, ...)


avg(expression: number): number

Calculates the average value of a numerical expression in the group.


groupby $m.severity aggregate avg($d.duration) as average_duration
groupby $ aggregate max($ - avg($ as avg_mem_range


collect(expression: T, distinct: bool?, limit: number?, ignoreNulls: bool?): array<T>

Returns an array collecting all expression elements for each group.

Function parameters: * expression (required) - specifies the array elements to collect. * distinct (optional) - when true, collect only unique elements. Must be a literal, defaults to false. * limit (optional) - when provided, specifies the maximum number of elements to collect. Must be a positive literal number. * ignoreNulls (optional) - when true, discard null elements. Must be a literal, defaults to false.


# Collect all distinct containers per application.
groupby $l.applicationname aggregate collect(kubernetes.container_name, distinct = true)
# Collect up to 100 pod names per application.
groupby $l.applicationname aggregate collect(kubernetes.pod_name, limit = 100)
# Collect all log IDs in a file.
groupby recordLocation() aggregate collect($m.logid)
# Collect all non-null error messages.
groupby transaction_id aggregate collect(error.message, ignoreNulls = true)


count(expression: T?): number

Counts non-null expression values. If expression is not defined, all rows will be counted.

An alias can be provided to override the keypath the result will be written to.

For example, the following part of a query

count() into $d.num_rows

will result in a single row of the following form:

{ "num_rows": 7532 }
groupby $m.severity aggregate count() * 2


count_if(condition: bool, expression: T?): number

Counts non-null expression values on rows which satisfy condition. If expression is not defined, all rows that satisfy condition will be counted.


groupby $m.severity aggregate count_if($d.duration > 500) as $d.high_duration_logs
groupby $m.severity aggregate count_if($d.duration > 500, $d.company_id) as $d.high_duration_logs


distinct_count(expression: T): number where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Counts non-null distinct expression values.


groupby $l.applicationname aggregate distinct_count($d.username) as active_users


distinct_count_if(condition: bool, expression: T): number where T in [string or bool or number or interval or timestamp or regexp or enum]

Counts non-null distinct expression values on rows which satisfy condition.


groupby $l.applicationname aggregate distinct_count_if($m.severity == 'Error', $d.username) as users_with_errors


max(expression: T): T where T in [number or bool or string or interval or timestamp or regexp]

Calculates the maximum value of a numerical expression in the group.


groupby $m.severity aggregate max($d.duration)
groupby $m.severity aggregate max($ - min($


min(expression: T): T where T in [number or bool or string or interval or timestamp or regexp]

Calculates the minimum value of a numerical expression in the group.


groupby $m.severity aggregate min($d.duration)


percentile(percentile: number, expression: number, errorThreshold: number?): number

Calculates the approximate n-th percentile value of a numerical expression in the group.

Since the percentile calculation is approximate, the accuracy may be controlled with the errorThreshold parameter which ranges from 0 to 1 (defaults to 0.01). A lower value will result in better accuracy at the cost of longer query times.


groupby $m.severity aggregate percentile(0.99, $d.duration) as p99_latency
groupby $m.severity aggregate percentile(0.75, $d.duration) - percentile(0.25, $d.duration) as percentile_range


sample_stddev(expression: number): number

Computes the sample standard deviation of a numerical expression in the group.


groupby $m.severity aggregate sample_stddev($d.duration)


sample_variance(expression: number): number

Computes the variance of a numerical expression in the group.


groupby $m.severity aggregate sample_variance($d.duration)


stddev(expression: number): number

Computes the standard deviation of a numerical expression in the group.


groupby $m.severity aggregate stddev($d.duration)


sum(expression: number): number

Calculates the sum of a numerical expression in the group.


groupby $m.severity aggregate sum($d.duration) as total_duration


variance(expression: number): number

Computes the variance of a numerical expression in the group.


groupby $m.severity aggregate variance($d.duration)