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Metrics API


Coralogix provides a Metrics API,. granting you access to all metrics you’ve sent to Coralogix. This API supports two primary use cases: querying metrics data programmatically and acting as a PromQL-compatible query data source (e.g., as a Grafana Prometheus data source).


Each HTTP request must include an Authorization header with a value Bearer <API-Key>. Configure a customized API key with the DataQuerying role preset or Query Metrics permission: For more details, refer here.

Alternatively, you may use the Legacy Logs Query API Key.

Querying metrics data programmatically

Prometheus-compatible API request

Include the following in your API request:

Header Authorization: Bearer <API-Key>
URL Select the Metrics endpoint associated with your Coralogix domain


Ensure you update your Coralogix domain and API key in the following examples.

Instant Metric Query

Evaluates an instant metric at a defined single point in time.

curl --location --request GET 'https://ng-api-http.<span class="domain-value"></span>/metrics/api/v1/query?query=vector(1)' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API-Key>'

PromQL-Compatible Query Data Source

Grafana Prometheus Data Source

Configure a Prometheus data source in Grafana:

STEP 1. Navigate to Home > Connection > Add new connection. Enter Prometheus data source.

STEP 2. Click Add new data source.

STEP 3. Input the following fields:



  • HTTP headers:

    • Header: Authorization

    • Value: Bearer <API-Key> (as mentioned in the Authentication section above)

Advanced Settings

  • Performance

    • Prometheus type: Prometheus

    • Prometheus version: 2.24.x

STEP 4. Click Save & test. You should receive a message confirming a successful query to the Prometheus API.

Find out more here.

API support

Supported APIs

The following are examples of supported APIs for HTTP methods GET and POST.

API Description
/api/v1/query Instant query
/api/v1/query_range Range query
GET /api/v1/label/<label_name>/values Querying label values
GET /api/v1/labels POST /api/v1/labels Getting label names
GET /api/v1/series POST /api/v1/series Finding series by label matchers

Details on how to use supported APIs can be found here.

Unsupported APIs

The following are examples of unsupported APIs for HTTP methods GET and POST.

API Description
GET /api/v1/alerts Returns a list of all active alerts
/api/v1/query_exemplars Query exemplars for a specific series over time
GET /api/v1/rules Returns a list of alerting and recording rules
GET /api/v1/targets/metadata Returns metadata about metrics from targets

Additional resources

External Documentation Prometheus API


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to assist you with your setup and answer any questions.

Contact us via our in-app chat or by emailing [email protected].