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React Native

This document describes how to integrate the React Native SDK.


Coralogix offers Real User Monitoring (RUM) enabled by our React Native SDK.


Deploy our RUM Integration Package. This includes creating your RUM API key, which is required for the SDK setup.


To use the Coralogix SDK, call CoralogixRum.init(options) at the earliest possible moment after the page load. This will initialize the SDK based on the options you provided.

import { CoralogixRum } from '@coralogix/react-native-sdk';

  application: 'app-name',
  environment: 'production',
  public_key: 'abc-123-456',
  coralogixDomain: 'EU2',
  version: 'v1.0.3',
  labels: {
    payment: 'visa',
  ignoreErrors: ['some error message to ignore'],
  sessionSampleRate: 100 // Percentage of overall sessions being tracked, Default to 100%

These fields configure various aspects of the Coralogix RUM SDK, including identification, environment settings, error handling, and data tagging in the CoralogixRum.init() function:
Field NameDescriptionExample Value
applicationThe name of the application being monitored.'app-name'
environmentThe environment in which the application is running (e.g., production, staging, development).'production'
public_keyThe public API key used for authentication with Coralogix.'abc-123-456'
coralogixDomainThe Coralogix associated with your account.'EU2'
versionThe version of the application being monitored.'v1.0.3'
labelsCustom labels to tag and categorize data being sent.{ payment: 'visa' }
ignoreErrorsA list of error messages or patterns to be ignored by the monitoring system.['some error message to ignore']
sessionSampleRateThe percentage of sessions to be tracked by the monitoring system. A value of 100 means all sessions.100

Use the exported functions of CoralogixRum to provide contextual information or transmit manual logs. Remember, these functions will remain inactive until you invoke CoralogixRum.init().

import { CoralogixRum } from '@coralogix/react-native-sdk';

// Update user context dynamically
  user_id: '123',
  user_name: 'name',
  user_email: '[email protected]',
  user_metadata: {
    role: 'admin',
    // ...

// Update custom labels dynamically
  paymentMethod: 'visa',
  userTheme: 'dark',
  // ...

// Update application context dynamically
  application: 'app-name',
  version: '1.0.0'

CoralogixRum.log(CoralogixLogSeverity.Error, 'this is a log', { key: 'value' });
CoralogixRum.error('this is a log with error severity', { key: 'value' });


You can enable or disable specific instrumentation, with the default set to all trues. Each instrumentation controls the data the SDK will track and collect.

  // ...
  instrumentations: {
    xhr: false,
    fetch: false,
    custom: true,
    errors: true,


Ignore Errors

The ignoreErrors option lets you exclude errors that meet specific criteria. This option accepts strings and regular expressions to match against the event's error message. Use regular expressions for exact matches, as strings remove partial matches.

import { CoralogixRum } from '@coralogix/react-native-sdk';

  // ...
  ignoreErrors: [/Exact Match Error Message/, 'partial/match'],


Add trace context propagation in headers across service boundaries.

  // ...
  traceParentInHeader: {
    enabled: true,
    options: {
      // Specify backend domains if different from the app domain.
      propagateTraceHeaderCorsUrls: [new RegExp('<https://webapi>.*')],
      // B3 propagation
      propagateB3TraceHeader: {
        singleHeader: true,
        multiHeader: true,
      // AWS propagation
      propagateAwsXrayTraceHeader: true,


Enable event access and modification before sending to Coralogix, allowing content modification and event discarding.

  // ...
  beforeSend: (event) => {
    // Discard events from users.
    if (event.session_context.user_email?.endsWith('')) {
      return null;

    // Redact sensitive information from the page URL.
    event.page_context.page_url = event.page_context.page_url.replace(

    return event;

Proxy Url

Proxy configuration to route requests. Specifying a proxy URL will direct all RUM data to this URL via the POST method. Ensure this data is subsequently relayed from the proxy to Coralogix. The Coralogix route for each request sent to the proxy is available in the request’s cxforward parameter (for example,

  // ...
  coralogixDomain: 'EU1',
  proxyUrl: '<>'


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to assist you with your setup and answer any questions you may have.

Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by emailing [email protected].