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Quick Start Security for Azure VPN

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Coralogix Extension For Azure VPN Includes:

Alerts - 9

Stay on top of Azure VPN key performance metrics. Keep everyone in the know with integration with Slack, PagerDuty and more.

Tunnel Ingress Packet Drop Count

This use case involves monitoring and analyzing the ingress packet drop count within network tunnels. Tunnels are essential for secure data transmission between different network segments. The ingress packet drop count refers to the number of packets discarded upon entry into the tunnel. Monitoring this metric helps detect potential issues impacting data transfer reliability and security. Impact Data Integrity and Reliability: Ingress packet drops may lead to data loss or corruption, affecting the overall integrity and reliability of transmitted information. Network Performance: High ingress packet drop counts can degrade network performance, causing latency and disruptions in communication. Security Concerns: Packet drops could be a result of malicious activities or misconfigurations, posing security risks to the network. Mitigation Network Monitoring Tools: Implement network monitoring tools to continuously track and analyze tunnel ingress packet drop counts. Alerting Mechanisms: Set up alerts for abnormal increases in packet drop counts to enable rapid response and issue resolution. Capacity Planning: Regularly assess network capacity and upgrade infrastructure as needed to prevent congestion and packet drops. Quality of Service (QoS) Mitre tactic : T1498 Mitre technique : T1040

Tunnel Egress Packet Drop TS Mismatch

Metric Alert for Vnet Gateway tunnel TunnelEgressPacketDropTSMismatch. Impact Connectivity Disruption: Traffic Selector mismatches can result in the dropping of packets, leading to connectivity disruptions for affected network traffic. Security Vulnerabilities: Mismatches in Traffic Selectors can create security vulnerabilities by allowing unauthorized or unintended traffic to pass through the VPN tunnel. Operational Inefficiencies: Resolving packet drop incidents requires troubleshooting and can impact operational efficiency, especially if the mismatches are recurrent. Mitigation Regular Configuration Audits: Conduct regular audits of VPN tunnel configurations to ensure that Traffic Selectors are aligned with the expected network traffic parameters. Automated Monitoring: Implement automated monitoring systems that can detect and alert administrators about Traffic Selector mismatches in near real-time. Strict Validation Policies Mitre tactic : T1498 Mitre technique : T1040

Tunnel Ingress Packet Drop TS Mismatch

Metric Alert for Vnet Gateway tunnel TunnelIngressPacketDropTSMismatch. Impact Connectivity Disruption: Traffic Selector mismatches can result in the dropping of packets, leading to connectivity disruptions for affected network traffic. Security Vulnerabilities: Mismatches in Traffic Selectors can create security vulnerabilities by allowing unauthorized or unintended traffic to pass through the VPN tunnel. Operational Inefficiencies: Resolving packet drop incidents requires troubleshooting and can impact operational efficiency, especially if the mismatches are recurrent. Mitigation Regular Configuration Audits: Conduct regular audits of VPN tunnel configurations to ensure that Traffic Selectors are aligned with the expected network traffic parameters. Automated Monitoring: Implement automated monitoring systems that can detect and alert administrators about Traffic Selector mismatches in near real-time. Strict Validation Policies Mitre tactic : T1498 Mitre technique : T1040

Tunnel Egress Packet Drop Count

This use case involves monitoring and analyzing the count of egress packet drops within a network tunnel. Egress packet drops refer to instances where data leaving the tunnel fails to reach its intended destination. The focus is on identifying the frequency, causes, and potential impact of packet drops, ensuring the reliability and performance of data transmission through the tunnel. Impact Data Loss and Incomplete Transactions: Egress packet drops can result in data loss, incomplete transactions, or degraded performance, impacting the integrity and functionality of applications relying on the tunnel. Reduced User Experience: Users may experience delays or disruptions in accessing services or resources when egress packet drops occur, leading to a diminished overall user experience. Operational Inefficiencies: High packet drop counts can indicate inefficiencies in the network, affecting operational workflows and causing additional strain on IT support resources. Mitigation Traffic Analysis: Regularly analyze network traffic to identify patterns and potential causes of egress packet drops. Quality of Service (QoS) Policies: Implement QoS policies to prioritize critical traffic and minimize the impact of packet drops on essential applications. Network Redundancy: Establish redundant paths and failover mechanisms to ensure continuous connectivity even if one path experiences packet drops. Monitoring and Alerts: Set up continuous monitoring for egress packet drops and configure alerts to notify administrators when thresholds are exceeded. Packet Loss Analysis: Utilize network analysis tools to investigate the root causes of packet drops, such as bandwidth limitations, network congestion, or equipment malfunctions. Mitre tactic : T1498 Mitre technique : T1040

Internet Traffic Filtering

Implement internet traffic filtering to control and monitor the flow of data between your organization's network and the internet. Utilizing a robust filtering solution, this use case involves enforcing policies to block or allow specific websites, applications, or content categories. Filtering mechanisms help mitigate security risks, enforce compliance, and enhance productivity by preventing access to malicious sites or inappropriate content. Impact Enhanced Security: Internet traffic filtering mitigates the risk of malware infections, phishing attacks, and other cyber threats by blocking access to malicious websites and content. Compliance Assurance: Organizations can enforce regulatory compliance by restricting access to websites or content that violate industry or internal policies. Productivity Improvement: By preventing access to non-business-related websites or content, organizations can enhance employee focus and overall productivity. Mitigation Content Filtering Policies: Define and enforce content filtering policies based on the organization's security and compliance requirements. Malware and Threat Detection: Integrate advanced threat detection mechanisms to identify and block malicious content in real-time. Regular Updates and Patching Mitre tactic : T1027 Mitre technique : T1583

VPN Gateway Delete

The VPN Gateway Deletion Audit use case involves monitoring and auditing activities related to the deletion of VPN gateways within the organization's network infrastructure. This includes tracking events when a VPN gateway is intentionally or unintentionally deleted. The audit log captures details such as the user responsible, timestamp, and relevant context surrounding the deletion event. Impact Security Concerns: Unauthorized or accidental deletion of VPN gateways can compromise network security, disrupt connectivity, and expose sensitive information. Operational Disruption: Deleting a VPN gateway can lead to a temporary loss of connectivity, impacting ongoing operations and business continuity. Compliance Risks: Organizations may face compliance issues if the deletion of VPN gateways is not properly documented, especially in regulated industries. Mitigation Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Implement RBAC to restrict permissions for deleting VPN gateways only to authorized personnel. Audit Logging: Enable comprehensive audit logging for VPN gateway activities, including deletions, and regularly review these logs. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Mitre tactic : T1027 Mitre technique : T1040

Private End Zone Access Monitoring

The Private End Zone Access Monitoring use case involves the systematic recording and analysis of all activities within these designated areas. This includes user logins, file accesses, configuration changes, and any other relevant actions that could impact the security and compliance of the private end zones. By maintaining a comprehensive audit log, organizations can detect unauthorized access, identify potential security threats, and maintain a clear record of activities to facilitate forensic analysis in case of incidents. Impact Accessing a private end zone through a Virtual Private Network (VPN) introduces both potential benefits and risks, Benefit's - Secure Remote Access , Authentication and Authorization, Network Isolation Risks - VPN Security Vulnerabilities , User Authentication Weaknesses, Endpoint Security Mitigation Mitigation can be done through - isolate the compromised system , forensic Analysis , password update , patch & update Mitre tactic : T1078 Mitre technique : T1562

Virtual Network Subnet Segmentation

The Virtual Network Subnet Segmentation use case involves the strategic organization and segmentation of a virtual network into distinct subnets to enhance network efficiency, security, and manageability. This approach allows for the logical separation of different components or user groups within the virtual environment, facilitating better control over network traffic, access policies, and resource optimization. Impact Implementing virtual network subnet segmentation can have impacts on the overall efficiency, security, and manageability of a network. Mitigation To ensure the effectiveness of virtual network subnet segmentation and address potential challenges, it's important to implement appropriate mitigation strategies. Here are key mitigation measures: Define Clear Segmentation Policies , Implement Network Monitoring, Employ Intrusion Detection and Prevention Systems (IDPS), Encrypt Communication Between Subnets. Mitre tactic : T1027 Mitre technique : T1040

Tagged Traffic Consumer Validation

The Tagged Traffic Consumer Validation use case involves the systematic monitoring and validation of tagged network traffic consumed by various network devices or applications. Tags, in this context, refer to metadata or labels associated with network packets to convey specific information about the data they carry. Impact Failure to perform tagged consumer network traffic validation can lead to several significant impacts, posing risks to the integrity, security, and reliability of the network. Data Integrity Compromises , Misconfiguration and Non-compliance, Increased Vulnerability to Attacks. Mitigation Verify the traffic associate with Host Domain or any third vendor and validate its legitimacy . MITRE Tactic: TA0003 MITRE Technique: T1531


Learn more about Coralogix's out-of-the-box integration with Azure VPN in our documentation.

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