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Send-Your-Data Management API

Last Updated: Jun. 22, 2023

Coralogix provides an API that allows you to manage your Send-Your-Data API keys.


  • Coralogix Alerts, Rules and Tags AP Key. Access this in your navigation pane by clicking Data Flow > API Keys.

Create a New ‘Send Your Data’ API Key

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>" -d @ <CORALOGIX-DOMAIN> com.coralogix.apikeys.v1.ApiKeysManagementService/CreateKey <<EOF
  "key_name": "my-api-key",
  "roles": [{
    "id": 8
  "owner": {
    "team_id": {
      "id": 000000

Request Args

Key NameName of the key
RolesDefines what roles this key will be assigned to. The only value that should be used is role id 8, which is a SendData role.
OwnerDefines who can be the owner of the key. The only available value at present is the team_id.


The response will be a message with information about the created key.

  "apiKey": {
    "keyId": {
      "value": "c8d84762-9aff-4f90-93ef-1762757e0c2c"
    "keyName": "my-api-key",
    "isKeyActive": true,
    "keyValue": {
      "value": "<key_value>"
    "dateCreated": "2023-03-30T10:00:58Z"
Key IdID of the key
Key NameAssigned name to the key
Is Key ActiveDefines if key is in active state
Key ValueValue of the key. For securely stored keys, this is the only time it will be visible.
Date CreatedCreation date

Rename a ‘Send Your Data’ API Key

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>" -d @ <CORALOGIX-DOMAIN> com.coralogix.apikeys.v1.ApiKeysManagementService/RenameKey <<EOF
    "key_id": {
        "value": "f0e68232-8bcc-4932-8e39-b320d74df9b1"
    "new_key_name": "my-api-key-new-name"

Request args

Key IdID of the key
New Key NameNew name that will be correlated with the ke


The response will be an empty message.

Activate a ‘Send Your Data’ API Key

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>" -d @ <CORALOGIX-DOMAIN> com.coralogix.apikeys.v1.ApiKeysManagementService/SetActive <<EOF
  "active": false,
  "key_id": {
    "value": "f0e68232-8bcc-4932-8e39-b320d74df9b1"

Request args

ActiveDefines if key should be active or not
Key IdID of the key


The response will be an empty message.

Delete a ‘Send-Your-Data’ API Key

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>" -d @ <CORALOGIX-DOMAIN> com.coralogix.apikeys.v1.ApiKeysManagementService/DeleteKey <<EOF
  "key_id": {
    "value": "f0e68232-8bcc-4932-8e39-b320d74df9b1"

Request args

Key IdID of the key


The response will be an empty message.

Get a ‘Send Your Data’ API Key

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>" -d @ <CORALOGIX-DOMAIN> com.coralogix.apikeys.v1.ApiKeysManagementService/GetKeys <<EOF
  "role_id": {
    "id": 8
  "owner": {
    "team_id": {
      "id": 000000

Request args

Role idDefines role for which associated keys will be returned
OwnerDefines who is the owner of the keys


The response will be an message with list of all API :

  "apiKeys": [
      "keyId": {
        "value": "4863c538-2a47-4091-b90e-7088836ab569"
      "keyName": "T4",
      "isKeyActive": true,
      "dateCreated": "2023-03-29T08:56:09Z"
      "keyId": {
        "value": "4ff895e6-7ef7-4828-97bc-7fa82e8ca47a"
      "keyName": "T1",
      "isKeyActive": true,
      "keyValue": {
        "value": "cxtp_HRiXteLAhcxPQJY1ZPfYGdOhdQEd73"
      "dateCreated": "2023-03-29T07:38:42Z"
Key IdID of the key
Key NameAssigned name to the key
Is Key ActiveDefines if key is in active state
Key ValueOptional value of the key. If key is stored securely, this field will not be sent.
Date CreatedCreation date

Get a ‘Send Your Data’ API Key by ID

grpcurl -H "Authorization: Bearer <YOUR-API-KEY>" -d @ <CORALOGIX-DOMAIN> com.coralogix.apikeys.v1.ApiKeysManagementService/GetKeyById <<EOF
  "key_id": {
    "value": "4ff895e6-7ef7-4828-97bc-7fa82e8ca47a"

Request args

Key IDID of the key


The response will be an message with API key information:

  "apiKey": {
    "keyId": {
      "value": "4ff895e6-7ef7-4828-97bc-7fa82e8ca47a"
    "keyName": "key1",
    "isKeyActive": true,
    "keyValue": {
      "value": "<key_value>"
    "dateCreated": "2023-03-29T07:38:42Z"
Key IdID of the key
Key NameAssigned name to the key
Is Key ActiveDefines if key is in active state
Key ValueOptional value of the key. If key is stored securely, this field will not be sent.
Date CreatedCreation date


Need help?

Our world-class customer success team is available 24/7 to walk you through your setup and answer any questions that may come up.

Feel free to reach out to us via our in-app chat or by sending us an email at [email protected].

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