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Quick Start Observability for AWS Edge Insights

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AWS Edge Insights
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AWS Edge Insights

AWS WAF is AWS web application firewall service, and AWS CloudFront is the AWS CloudFront solution. These solutions are often deployed together, and work very well.

However, it can be challenging to correlate the data between the two, to understand the impact that your WAF is having on your traffic. Are blocked requests truly stopping? Is your ACL somehow being subverted? Is malicious traffic being allowed?

These are all questions answered by this Extension pack, that comes with built in parsing rules, flow alerts, dashboards and metrics, designed to not just help you to understand WAF & CloudFront, but truly understand how they work together in your architecture.

Coralogix Extension For AWS Edge Insights Includes:

Dashboards - 3

Gain instantaneous visualization of all your AWS Edge Insights data.

AWS WAF Insights