[Workshop Alert] Mastering Observability with OpenTelemetry Fundamentals - Register Now!

Logs, Metrics, Tracing & Security

Full-Stack Observability for Modern Applications

Generate infinite insights for logs, metrics, tracing, and security data – when and where you need them – with no limitations.

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Go Further With Your Observability Data

Analyze and monitor all of your system data in a single, centralized platform. Connect any data, in any format, from any source to visualize and query together using any syntax for extensive event correlation and streamlined troubleshooting.

platform logs


Centralize and analyze your logs without reliance on indexing, and take full advantage of the wealth of information in your data with real-time alerting and monitoring that scales with your systems.

  • Parse, transform & enrich data on the fly
  • Generate metrics from raw logs without indexing
  • Automatically cluster noisy logs into templates
  • Improve coverage & costs with the TCO Optimizer
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platform metrics


Monitor business-level logic using all metric data, including infrastructure, network, security, and application metrics visualized in custom data maps with no limitations on labels or granularity.

  • Correlate metrics with all observability data
  • Advanced alerting with familiar PromQL syntax
  • Build custom data maps to monitor system health
  • Remove the overhead of homegrown solutions
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platform tracing


Correlate end-to-end event flows and performance bottlenecks across distributed architectures with in-stream analysis of your tracing data and the full context of all of your observability data.

  • Monitor distributed data flows and latency
  • Visualize dependencies with full data context
  • Pinpoint issues with data filters and aggregations
  • Work with open source instrumentation
  • Precise cost optimization with the TCO Optimizer
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platform security


Ensure end-to-end security with automated posture and vulnerability assessments and advanced threat protection across your machines, networks, and cloud services.

  • Dynamic alerting & automated incident response
  • Automated posture & vulnerability assessments
  • Threat detection with 3-click traffic analysis
  • Leverage Snowbit’s 24/7 expert security teams
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Real-Time Insights Powered
by Streama©

Streama© is our proprietary streaming data pipeline that analyzes data in real-time with unique state stores in-stream for long-term insights with no reliance on indexing or storage.

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streama diagram

Better Performance

Get real-time insights with the best query performance powered by Streama©

Increased Scalability

Scale fast without worrying about the overhead of maintaining observability

Cost Optimization

Generate infinite data insights without storage or indexing for savings up to 70%

Optimize Data Storage & Total Cost of Ownership

Leverage Streama© technology to automatically analyze and prioritize your data before indexing. Using the TCO Optimizer, you can assign logs from each application or subsystem pair and log severity level, or traces selected by endpoint, status code and much more, to a different data pipeline, giving you maximum control over your data and how it’s handled.

Learn More about Cost Optimizations

Investigate & Correlate Issues Across Systems and Data Types

End-to-end monitoring for all observability data across environments provides full visibility into system health and ML-powered data clustering helps to quickly pinpoint issues for reduced MTTD and MTTR.

  1. icon 1 white Automatically cluster millions of logs into unique templates
  2. icon 2 white Correlate metrics spikes with relevant log and trace data
  3. icon 3 white Trigger 3rd-party services based on query results or values
  4. icon 4 white Monitor performance across services with distributed tracing
  5. icon 5 white Build custom data maps to visualize your system health
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Identify Issues Proactively with Dynamic Alerting

Trigger dynamic alerts in real-time without any reliance on static thresholds. Our self-serve alerting mechanism runs in-stream with no index latency or mapping dependency.

  • New value
  • Cardinality
  • Ratio between queries
  • Time relative
  • Metrics with PromQL
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dynamic alerts

Accelerate CI/CD Build Pipelines with Version Benchmarking

Reduce the stress and uncertainty that comes with each production deployment. Integrate Coralogix to your CI/CD pipeline and get automatic impact analysis reports on each change you make.

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Effortless Setup, Adoption & Scaling

Avoid complicated configurations and vendor lock-in!

Leverage common syntaxes to query and build alerts for widespread adoption within any organization.

Our customer support team is available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have!

Get Started
Unlike most tools in the market, the platform is very intuitive and requires very little training to use, which has led to widespread adoption across our entire engineering department.
Roi Amitay - Head of DevOps at Armis

Enterprise-Grade Solution

Coralogix is fully compliant with the highest standards of availability, security, and compliance including GDPR, SOC2, PCI, and HIPAA certifications. Choose from multiple geographic data centers for compatibility with various local privacy laws. 

Easily manage multiple teams, fine-tune permissions, and enjoy the convenience of SSO.

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