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Application Performance Monitoring Software

Modern APM

View system health at a glance. Troubleshoot performance issues and SLO breaches with contextualized visibility of interdependencies and correlations. Stay free with Open Telemetry.

Proactively identify and resolve issues

Track your SLOs. Define advanced alerts. Get notified instantly, however you want.

Database interaction metrics at a glance

Correlate and visualize service issues with slow or failed database queries. View detailed trace attributes.


High level and in-depth views

Expose potential issues in our service and database catalog views. Focus on actual performance bottlenecks with aggregated views of interdependencies between upstream and downstream operations and services.

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Automated service mapping

Automatically generate a live architectural diagram of your services. Simply ingest traces from your system and immediately observe every connection in your stack. Filter by service name, technology, cloud providers and more.

All your data without context switching

View your service’s traces and spans with easy drill-down into all relevant logs, infrastructure and more, all in a single interface for easy correlation and root cause analysis.

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Serverless monitoring

Monitor your AWS Lambda functions with precision, tracking key metrics like memory usage, cold starts, and execution duration, all in one place. Identify and resolve issues and anomalies with Coralogix’s distributed tracing which visualize the entire transaction flow, including every service your Lambda functions interacts with.

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Observability and Security
that Scale with You.