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Real User Monitoring

Error Tracking

Identify frontend errors, correlate them across your stack and drill-down into the root-cause in seconds.

Keep users happy with an optimized experience for years to come.

Supported Frameworks

Consolidation of related errors

Simplify error management and reduce noise with advanced templating of similar errors into definable issues. Track the evolution of issues over time, gaining insights into first appearance and frequency. Streamline root cause analysis and reduce MTTR without any query language expertise.

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Full-stack correlations and dependency mapping

Visualize the error trail from the front-end to the back-end with clear mapping of impact across interdependent services and components in your environment. Achieve a more comprehensive root cause analysis using our built-in correlations across logs, traces and metrics.

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Where monitoring and debugging meet

Identify high-level issues that are impacting your users and drill down to the relevant line of code, with source maps taking you from minified or transpiled code source code so you can rapidly diagnose, reproduce, and fix problems.

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Breadth and depth all in one

Gain high-level analysis of which error types and messages are more prevalent. Understand which network requests, URLs, versions and tags are contributing to errors. View which device, OS and browser is involved in any issue as well as which individual users are affected.

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error tracking analytics

Stay on top of frontend errors

Create and receive alerts for both known and unknown issues with out-of-the-box and customizable notifications. Keep the knowledge flowing in your organization with built-in integrations for Slack, PagerDuty, OpsGenie, MS Teams, and more.

Get Started Now

Gain end-to-end visibility into what your users are experiencing today.