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Case Study

How Logistics Giant Delhivery Reduced Downtime by 75% With Coralogix


About Delhivery

Delhivery is India’s largest fully integrated logistics provider. Their mission is to help customers operate flexible, reliable, and resilient supply chains at the lowest cost. They are also building an e-commerce operating system, combining world-class infrastructure, advanced logistics operations, cutting-edge engineering and technology capabilities.

The Challenge: Siloed Data Prevents Rapid Mttr

As early adopters of the DevOps methodology, Delhivery deploys software updates on a daily basis with a fully automated CI/CD pipeline. Running on AWS and GCP, their tech stack includes Kubernetes, thousands of Lambda functions, numerous cloud-native services as well as their own proprietary applications. 

To ensure operational excellence for the logistics giant, the Delhivery team labored on a daily basis to identify and resolve any issues that threatened system uptime. This required them to access many different systems, each potentially with different permissions, and manually review logs and traces in their effort to find the root cause of any given problem. 

Furthermore, with so many disparate, siloed data sources, it was impossible to have any cohesive and comprehensive alerting. As such, it would often take over an hour to resolve an issue with significant delays for the company’s real-world logistics. 

This time-consuming DIY approach not only risked creating serious service outages but was also a major distraction from the core development and innovation that distinguished Delhivery as a logistics leader.

The Solution: Unified Observability for Logs, Metrics, Tracing & Security Data

With Delhivery rapidly growing, the introduction to Coralogix, made by tech consultancy Onnivation, was a complete game-changer for Delhivery and the broader engineering team.  

After a successful PoC that highlighted Coralogix’s comprehensive observability for logs, metrics and tracing data, the Delhivery team began the migration process. Vinay Mishra, DevOps Engineering Manager at the company noted that “Coralogix’s amazing support team and documentation made it easy to move over 5TB of daily data from different sources to their platform within 45 days.”

With all their data now in one place and Coralogix’s next-generation alerting, Delhivery could stay on top of its multi-cloud and complex tech stack. Within Delhivery, the entire engineering team, including senior management, uses Coralogix alerts and analysis tools to proactively identify and resolve issues well before they can impact customers. 

“With Coralogix we can monitor far more data with significantly lower cost, enabling us to affordably monitor everything as part of our observability.”
-Shashank Kumar, Senior Director of Technology at Delhivery

Additionally, having a centralized tool made it simple to give different teams visibility into any relevant data, saving a lot of time when the resource generating the events or metrics was not under a specific team’s purview.  

While Delhivery’s mature DevOps and CI/CD practice translates into rapid innovation and daily software updates, new versions also bring the possibility of new issues. To prevent any downtime related to fresh deployments, the team at Delhivery turns to Coralogix’s Version Benchmarking on a daily basis. Whenever a particular version of the code is deployed, they can easily check if there is any new error due to that and immediately roll back.

Complementing Coralogix’s extensive tool chest of observability products, the platform’s core architecture and technology allow for extreme cost optimization. While in the past most of their logs were fully indexed, with Coralogix’s in-stream indexing and lightning-fast querying on archived data, today only 2% of Delhivery’s logs are kept in hot storage with the rest in low-cost archive. 

Results and Benefits: Ticking All the Right Boxes

Some of the benefits realized by Delhivery include:

  • 75% Reduction in Downtime
    Coralogix reduced the time taken for root cause analysis from 20 minutes to under 5 minutes. For a company serving over 30,000+ clients, this directly translates into improved customer satisfaction, a vital success factor in the logistics industry.
  • Improved Operational Efficiency
    Centralizing access with Coralogix’s SSO simplifies access to logs, traces and metrics across a multitude of AWS accounts and GCP projects has enhanced Delhivery’s operational efficiency and focus on innovation. Implementing Coralogix’s advanced alerting eliminated the need for teams to manually monitor any applications during non-office hours, thereby improving both employee satisfaction and MTTR.
  • Observability Cost Optimization
    Coralogix’s TCO Optimizer played a crucial role in cost management with a cost savings of over 50%  annually when compared to cloud-native Observability tools. With in-stream analysis and lightning-fast querying even on archived data, Delhivery was able to move the bulk of its data to the low-cost storage option, simultaneously allowing them to monitor more data for less cost.
  • Zero Vendor Lock-in
    Delhivery uses Open Telemetry to ship data into Coralogix giving them the flexibility to easily move data to multiple destinations, in case required. On the storage side, Delhivery holds their data in object storage in their own cloud account and uses the Coralogix format, CX-Data (based on open source Parquet) so they can directly index and query logs using Amazon Athena and other popular tools.
  • World-Class Customer Support
    The Delhivery engineering team are big fans of Coralogix Support’s under-a-minute response time and hands-on guidance. When evaluating other tech vendors, Delhivery now considers this to be the benchmark for Support SLAs.
  • Full Stack Observability
    With a rich feature set that includes log analysis, APM, error tracking and more, the Delhivery team can analyze tracing data to see how it affected the customer experience and drill into the related logs to uncover the root cause.
  • Kubernetes Integration
    With their microservices architecture, Kubernetes cluster health and performance is critical for Delhivery. Coralogix’s integration within Kubernetes includes a 2-step process to ship and process K8s events and out-of-the-box dashboards for full visibility into cluster health, down to each and every pod and node.
  • Event2Metrics
    Coralogix’s Event2Metrics feature has empowered Delhivery to generate metrics from spans and logs or inclusion in multiple dashboards. This transformation optimized storage (and associated cost)  without sacrificing important data. 


In conclusion, Coralogix has been a transformative force in Delhivery’s quest for observability excellence. By centralizing log management, reducing downtime, optimizing costs, and providing top-notch support, Coralogix has become an indispensable partner in Delhivery’s journey to provide exceptional logistics services in a highly competitive market. 

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