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Using OpenTelemetry with Jaeger: Basics and Quick Tutorial

  • 6 min read

What Are OpenTelemetry and Jaeger?

OpenTelemetry is a collection of tools, APIs, and SDKs for creating and managing telemetry data like traces, metrics, and logs. It offers standardization to support interoperability between different systems. 

By providing a unified way to instrument, collect, and export telemetry data, OpenTelemetry helps developers gain insights into application behavior across distributed systems. This is crucial in microservices and cloud-native environments where understanding how services interact is complex.

Jaeger is an open-source, end-to-end distributed tracing system. It assists in monitoring and troubleshooting microservices-based distributed systems. Originating from Uber, Jaeger focuses on performance and latency optimization, root cause analysis, and distributed context propagation. 

Integrated with OpenTelemetry, Jaeger enhances its tracing capabilities by visualizing traces and helping identify performance issues. Together, OpenTelemetry and Jaeger offer an approach to monitoring, diagnosing, and understanding system behaviors.

In this article, you will learn:

How Does Distributed Tracing Work with OpenTelemetry and Jaeger? 

Overview of Distributed Tracing

Distributed tracing plays a central role in observing complex modern application architectures. It provides detailed tracking of how requests navigate through different components of microservice-focused environments. Each trace captures and records the entire lifecycle of a request from start to finish. This identifies bottlenecks or failures in part of the application stack.

Through distributed tracing, developers gain a detailed perspective on service interactions, helping optimize performance. It ensures transparency in performance across service boundaries. Having this visibility matters, especially when dealing with spontaneous performance issues arising from polyglot architectures or network-related stresses. 

The Role of OpenTelemetry in Tracing

OpenTelemetry serves as the standard for application instrumentation, enabling trace data collection across various systems. It reduces the burden of instrumenting application code by offering consistent APIs and SDKs in multiple programming languages. The platform-agnostic implementation supports the inclusive collection of trace data, covering varying technology stacks within distributed architectures.

Beyond providing APIs and SDKs, OpenTelemetry offers an exporter framework. This framework supports data transmission to various backends, including Jaeger, without modifying application code. It also lowers implementation complexity, allowing organizations to adapt their observability strategies as needed. 

Learn more in our detailed guide to OpenTelemetry tracing 

The Role of Jaeger in Tracing

Jaeger improves distributed tracing by providing visualization and analysis capabilities. It supports end-to-end tracking and performance bottleneck identification by transforming raw trace data into accessible formats. Developers can interact with trace data using Jaeger’s user-friendly interface, which filters and inspects traces.

Through Jaeger’s integration with OpenTelemetry, trace data ingestion becomes more efficient, providing real-time insights. Jaeger’s architecture supports scalable data storage and retrieval, making it suitable for high-throughput environments. By acting as a backend for tracing data, Jaeger amplifies OpenTelemetry’s data collection capabilities with a visualization tool.

Benefits of Using OpenTelemetry with Jaeger 

Integrating OpenTelemetry with Jaeger provides a combination for observing, troubleshooting, and optimizing distributed systems. Here are the key benefits:

  • End-to-end visibility across systems: OpenTelemetry captures telemetry data from diverse environments, while Jaeger visualizes it, providing traceability of requests across distributed microservices. This ensures developers can track the full lifecycle of a request, pinpointing issues across multiple services or layers.
  • Enhanced performance monitoring: Jaeger’s trace visualization highlights latency bottlenecks and inefficiencies. When combined with OpenTelemetry’s instrumentation, teams can monitor and address performance issues with precision.
  • Standardization and interoperability: OpenTelemetry’s standardized APIs and SDKs ensure data collection across various platforms and programming languages. Jaeger complements this by offering a backend that integrates effortlessly, supporting cross-platform observability.
  • Scalability for high-throughput environments: Jaeger’s architecture supports handling vast amounts of trace data, making it suitable for large-scale, distributed systems. This scalability is enhanced by OpenTelemetry’s efficient data exporting mechanisms.
  • Flexible data exporting: OpenTelemetry’s exporter framework allows organizations to send trace data to multiple backends, including Jaeger, without modifying the application code. This flexibility simplifies adaptation to changing observability needs.
  • Improved troubleshooting and root cause analysis: By combining OpenTelemetry’s data collection with Jaeger’s trace analysis, developers can rapidly identify and resolve root causes of failures or performance degradation.
  • Future-proof observability: OpenTelemetry’s ongoing community-driven development ensures compatibility with emerging standards and technologies. Jaeger’s support for OpenTelemetry guarantees continued relevance in modern observability practices.

Related content: Read our guide to OpenTelemetry collector

Chris Cooney
Head of Developer Advocacy @ Coralogix

Chris Cooney wrote code every day for 10 years as a software engineer. Then, Chris led the technical strategy for a department of 200, for a few years. His role encompassed complex migrations from on-premise to the cloud, PaaS rollouts across the company, centralised provisioning and maintenance of cloud resources, assisting with the creation and execution of a tooling strategy, and more. Now, Chris talks about Observability at conferences, makes videos and still writes as much code as he can.

Tips from the expert:

In my experience, here are tips that can help you better integrate and use OpenTelemetry with Jaeger effectively:


  1. Optimize sampling configurations early: Choose the right sampling strategy for the environment, such as probabilistic sampling for high-traffic applications. Adjust sampling rates to balance trace data volume with performance and storage costs.
  2. Enrich spans with custom metadata: Add meaningful tags and attributes to spans, such as user IDs, request types, or feature flags. This additional context makes traces more insightful for debugging and performance analysis.
  3. Leverage OpenTelemetry resource attributes: Use resource attributes to standardize metadata like service names, environment identifiers, or deployment regions. This improves trace organization, especially in multi-environment setups.
  4. Use Jaeger’s service dependency graphs: Regularly analyze Jaeger’s service dependency visualization to spot unexpected or overly complex interactions between services. Simplifying these dependencies can reduce latency and improve fault tolerance.
  5. Integrate metrics alongside traces: Pair traces from Jaeger with metrics from OpenTelemetry to gain a more comprehensive view of system health. For example, combine latency metrics with trace bottlenecks to prioritize optimizations.

Tutorial: Integrating Jaeger with OpenTelemetry 

This tutorial outlines how to integrate OpenTelemetry with Jaeger for distributed tracing in a Python application. By following these steps, developers can set up OpenTelemetry instrumentation, export traces to Jaeger, and use Jaeger to analyze and visualize trace data.

Step 1: Install Jaeger through Docker

First, deploy the Jaeger backend. The following command runs Jaeger in an all-in-one mode using Docker:

docker run -d --name jaeger \
  -p 5775:5775/udp \
  -p 6831:6831/udp \
  -p 6832:6832/udp \
  -p 5778:5778 \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 14268:14268 \
  -p 14250:14250 \
  -p 9411:9411 \

This sets up Jaeger, exposing necessary ports for data collection and visualization. The Jaeger UI will be available at http://localhost:16686.

Step 2: Install the Requisite Python libraries

Install OpenTelemetry and Jaeger libraries using pip. They can be included in a Dockerfile for containerized applications:

FROM python:3.8

RUN pip install opentelemetry-api opentelemetry-sdk
opentelemetry-instrumentation requests jaeger-client

This ensures that all required dependencies for OpenTelemetry and Jaeger are available.

Step 3: Configure the OpenTelemetry Exporter

Set up the OpenTelemetry exporter to send traces to the Jaeger backend. Below is an example configuration in Python:

import os
from opentelemetry import trace
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor

# Get OTLP endpoint from environment variables (defaulting to localhost for Jaeger)
otlp_endpoint = os.getenv("OTLP_ENDPOINT", "http://localhost:4317")

# Configure the tracer provider and resources
        resource=Resource.create({"service.name": "example-application-name"})

# Configure the OTLP exporter
otlp_exporter = OTLPSpanExporter(endpoint=otlp_endpoint)

# Append the exporter to the tracer provider

# Example span usage
tracer = trace.get_tracer(__name__)
with tracer.start_as_current_span("example-operation"):
    print("Doing some traced work!")

This script sets up the exporter, specifying the Jaeger agent’s host and port. It ensures traces are collected and sent to Jaeger.

We can execute the above code using the following command (assuming the above file is stored as exporter.py).

python3 exporter.py

Now let’s see Jaeger UI to confirm if any data has been collected:

Step 4: Set Up Auto-Instrumentation

OpenTelemetry supports automatic instrumentation for many frameworks. For example, to instrument a Flask application:

from opentelemetry.instrumentation.flask import FlaskInstrumentor
from flask import Flask

# Create the Flask application
app = Flask(__name__)

# Automatically instrument the Flask app

def hello():
    return "Hello, OpenTelemetry!\n\n"

if __name__ == "__main__":
    app.run(debug=True, host="", port=5000)

This instrumentation automatically collects traces for all incoming HTTP requests.

Step 5: Verify the Tracing

Run the application and generate requests. Then, confirm that traces are being captured and exported to Jaeger by using the Jaeger UI:

curl http://localhost:5000/

Open the Jaeger UI at http://localhost:16686, search for the service, and ensure the traces appear correctly.

Step 6: View and Investigate Traces

Use the Jaeger UI to analyze trace data. Developers can filter, search, and visualize traces to identify bottlenecks, track dependencies, and optimize performance.

Managed Observability with Coralogix

Coralogix sets itself apart in observability with its modern architecture, enabling real-time insights into logs, metrics, and traces with built-in cost optimization. Coralogix’s straightforward pricing covers all its platform offerings including APM, RUM, SIEM, infrastructure monitoring and much more. With unparalleled support that features less than 1 minute response times and 1 hour resolution times, Coralogix is a leading choice for thousands of organizations across the globe.

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