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The who, the what, the where & when, the why & some AI
5 min

The who, the what, the where & when, the why & some AI

When you hear the word “permission” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? For me, it’s the picture in which I’m telling my kids not…

Does Open Source Equal Free?
12 min

Does Open Source Equal Free?

Open source tools have been gaining momentum in recent years, largely due to the contribution of several factors, including improved user interfaces, the inability of commercial…

Achieve better AWS security with just 10 Cloudtrail logs alerts
5 min

Achieve better AWS security with just 10 Cloudtrail logs alerts

CloudTrail logs track actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service, whether taken through the AWS console or API operations. In contrast to on-premise-infrastructure…

Avoiding death by external side effects — a tale of Kafka Streams
7 min

Avoiding death by external side effects — a tale of Kafka Streams

At Coralogix, we strive to ensure that our customers get a stable, real-time service at scale. As part of this commitment, we are constantly improving our…

Instantly Parse The Top 12 Log Types with Coralogix
10 min

Instantly Parse The Top 12 Log Types with Coralogix

Throughout the past few months, I had the opportunity to work with and serve hundreds of Coralogix’s customers, the challenges in performing efficient Log Analytics are…

Introduction to Kafka Tutorial
10 min

Introduction to Kafka Tutorial

Kafka is an open source real-time streaming messaging system and protocol built around the publish-subscribe system. In this system, producers publish data to feeds for which…

Create Kafka Topics in 3 Easy Steps
3 min

Create Kafka Topics in 3 Easy Steps

Creating a topic in production is an operative task that requires awareness and preparation. In this tutorial, we’ll explain all the parameters to consider when creating…

Coralogix teams up with AWS Marketplace for Log Management
2 min

Coralogix teams up with AWS Marketplace for Log Management

AWS offers a plethora of log and metric data but in order to extract meaningful insights and react to production issues on a dime, a centralized…

The Complete Guide to Elasticsearch Mapping
9 min

The Complete Guide to Elasticsearch Mapping

As Elasticsearch is gradually becoming the standard for textual data indexing (specifically log data) more companies struggle to scale their ELK stack. We decided to pick…

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and Financial Savvy Meet.