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Coralogix Blog Archive: Software Development

Mastering Null Semantics: Translating SQL Expressions to OpenSearch DSL
6 min

Mastering Null Semantics: Translating SQL Expressions to OpenSearch DSL

Working at Coralogix, a leading full-stack observability platform, I recently faced an interesting challenge. The team I am part of is building the DataPrime query language…

Coralogix’s Cross-Vendor Compatibility To Keep Your Workflow Smooth
3 min

Coralogix’s Cross-Vendor Compatibility To Keep Your Workflow Smooth

Coralogix supports logs, metrics, traces and security data, but some organizations need a multi-vendor strategy to achieve their observability goals, whether it’s developer adoption, or vendor…

Akka License Change: The Impact of Akka’s Move Away From “Open Source”
6 min

Akka License Change: The Impact of Akka’s Move Away From “Open Source”

Akka’s license change has surprised many of us, but it didn’t come out of nowhere. Lightbend recently announced that Akka will be transitioning from an “Open…

A GraphQL Introduction: Benefits and Tips for Using This API Technology
9 min

A GraphQL Introduction: Benefits and Tips for Using This API Technology

GraphQL is an open-source query and manipulation language to use for APIs. It contains server-side functionality and a query language for maintaining data interfaces. It was…

How JS Works Behind The Scenes — The Engine
11 min

How JS Works Behind The Scenes — The Engine

Have you ever asked yourself “how does this all work behind the scenes?”. I know I have. Having a deep understanding of certain concepts allows us…

5 Common Distractions that Risk Breaking up Your Product Focus
5 min

5 Common Distractions that Risk Breaking up Your Product Focus

Maintaining product focus is the best way to guarantee a successful business. As the late great Steve Jobs put it:  “if you keep an eye on the…

Kafka Consumer Issues: Fixing JVM Garbage Collection Problems
9 min

Kafka Consumer Issues: Fixing JVM Garbage Collection Problems

  Kafka has become the last word in data streaming. It provides a highly performant, highly available messaging capability. We, at Coralogix, make heavy use of…

This is what your developers are doing 75% of the time, and this is the cost you pay
2 min

This is what your developers are doing 75% of the time, and this is the cost you pay

This is what your developers are doing 75% of the time, and this is the cost you pay from Coralogix Following our last post on how…

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