[Workshop Alert] Mastering Observability with OpenTelemetry Fundamentals - Register Now!


Optimizing observability costs with a DIY framework
9 min

Optimizing observability costs with a DIY framework

Observability costs are exploding as businesses strive to deliver maximum customer satisfaction with high performance and 24/7 availability. Global annual spending on observability in 2024 is…

Dynamic Bad Actor Scoring in Coralogix
7 min

Dynamic Bad Actor Scoring in Coralogix

Bad bots, hackers, and other malicious agents can be tracked by a huge volume of metrics – session activity, HTTP headers, response times, request volume &…

Sumo Logic Flex Pricing: Is usage pricing a good idea?
6 min

Sumo Logic Flex Pricing: Is usage pricing a good idea?

When discussing observability pricing models, there are three dimensions that must be considered The first, Cost per Unit, is an easy-to-understand metric, but in practice it…

Coralogix and observability at the edge
4 min

Coralogix and observability at the edge

Observing Edge & WAF solutions is challenging. There are a host of unique problems to overcome, including security complexities and traffic intent identification. Let’s explore the…

Building Your Own Observability Solution vs Implementing a SaaS Solution
7 min

Building Your Own Observability Solution vs Implementing a SaaS Solution

Observability is a key component of modern applications, especially highly complex ones with multiple containers, cloud infrastructure, and numerous data sources. You can implement observability in…

Graylog vs Coralogix  
3 min

Graylog vs Coralogix  

Graylog is a log management and security platform, built on the Torch project, originally founded in 2009. It offers a set of log management and SIEM…

Coralogix vs Cloudwatch: Support, Pricing, Features & More
6 min

Coralogix vs Cloudwatch: Support, Pricing, Features & More

Cloudwatch is a standard component for any AWS user, with tight integrations into every AWS service. While Cloudwatch initially seems like a cost-effective solution, its lack…

Observe vs. Coralogix: Support, Pricing, Features & More
7 min

Observe vs. Coralogix: Support, Pricing, Features & More

Observe is a SaaS based observability tool built on Snowflake. It offers a graph-style approach to observability data, claiming that this makes it easier to correlate…

OpenTelemetry Overview 
7 min

OpenTelemetry Overview 

Monitoring distributed systems means collecting data from various sources, including servers, containers, and applications. In large organizations, this data distribution makes it harder to get a…

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and Financial Savvy Meet.