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Guide: Parsing Multiline Logs with Coralogix
7 min

Guide: Parsing Multiline Logs with Coralogix

In the context of monitoring logging, multiline logs happen when a single log is written as multiple lines in the log file. This can either be…

Easily Build Jenkins Pipelines – Tutorial
12 min

Easily Build Jenkins Pipelines – Tutorial

Are you building and deploying software manually and would like to change that? Are you interested in learning about building a Jenkins pipeline and better understand…

Elasticsearch Disk and Data Storage Optimizations with Benchmarks
27 min

Elasticsearch Disk and Data Storage Optimizations with Benchmarks

Out of the four basic computing resources (storage, memory, compute, network), storage tends to be positioned as the foremost one to focus on for any architect…

Elasticsearch Query Examples – Hands-on Tutorial
37 min

Elasticsearch Query Examples – Hands-on Tutorial

Elasticsearch is a popular distributed search and analytics engine designed to handle large volumes of data for fast, real-time searches. Elasticsearch’s capabilities make it useful in…

How SIEM is evolving in 2020
8 min

How SIEM is evolving in 2020

The evolution of Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) is deeply intertwined with cloud computing, both in terms of technological breakthroughs the cloud provided and from…

Optimizing a Golang Service to Reduce Over 40% CPU
7 min

Optimizing a Golang Service to Reduce Over 40% CPU

10 years ago, Google was facing a critical bottleneck caused by extremely prolonged C++ compilation times and needed a totally new way to solve it. Google…

How to get the most out of your ELB logs
12 min

How to get the most out of your ELB logs

What is ELB Amazon ELB (Elastic Load Balancing) allows you to make your applications highly available by using health checks and intelligently distributing traffic across a…

Using Auditbeat to protect your critical infrastructure
10 min

Using Auditbeat to protect your critical infrastructure

What are Beats Beats are lightweight, purpose-built agents that acquire data and then feed it to Elasticsearch. Beats use the libbeat framework that makes it easy to create…

Terraform Quick Start Tutorial
9 min

Terraform Quick Start Tutorial

This Terraform tutorial is an excellent introduction to configuration management tools. Terraform is growing due to it simplifying the management of environments in the cloud. Several…

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