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How to Install Jenkins on a Mac: Step-By-Step Guide
4 min

How to Install Jenkins on a Mac: Step-By-Step Guide

Are you looking for information on how to install Jenkins for Mac OS? Before we get started, there are (at least) two ways to install Jenkins…

How to Install and Configure Jenkins on Windows 10
4 min

How to Install and Configure Jenkins on Windows 10

If you’re looking for information on how to install Jenkins on Windows 10 this is the tutorial for you. We’ll also discuss how to configure it…

10 Alerts and Visualizations for S3 Server Access Logs to take control of AWS infrastructure
5 min

10 Alerts and Visualizations for S3 Server Access Logs to take control of AWS infrastructure

AWS S3 access logs provide detailed records for requests made to S3 buckets. They’re useful for many applications. For example, access log information can be useful…

13 Security Alerts and Visualizations for VPC Flow Logs
7 min

13 Security Alerts and Visualizations for VPC Flow Logs

AWS VPC Flow Logs monitor and record details about the traffic passing through your application, including requests that were allowed or denied according to your ACL…

RegEx 101: Guide for Managing Log Data in Coralogix
16 min

RegEx 101: Guide for Managing Log Data in Coralogix

You may be wondering, what are RegEx expressions? And how do they work when it comes to managing log data in Coralogix? We’ve got you covered….

Does Complexity Equal Security?
8 min

Does Complexity Equal Security?

“Teacher somewhere in India: The world you see is supported by a giant turtle. Student: And what holds this giant turtle down? Teacher: Another giant turtle,…

Does Open Source Equal Free?
12 min

Does Open Source Equal Free?

Open source tools have been gaining momentum in recent years, largely due to the contribution of several factors, including improved user interfaces, the inability of commercial…

Achieve better AWS security with just 10 Cloudtrail logs alerts
5 min

Achieve better AWS security with just 10 Cloudtrail logs alerts

CloudTrail logs track actions taken by a user, role, or an AWS service, whether taken through the AWS console or API operations. In contrast to on-premise-infrastructure…

Avoiding death by external side effects — a tale of Kafka Streams
7 min

Avoiding death by external side effects — a tale of Kafka Streams

At Coralogix, we strive to ensure that our customers get a stable, real-time service at scale. As part of this commitment, we are constantly improving our…

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