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Log Analytics will turn that junk on your servers into gold
3 min

Log Analytics will turn that junk on your servers into gold

Log Analytics will turn that junk on your servers into gold from Coralogix Although many tend to think Log Analytics is a new concept, logs were…

Delivery vs. Quality – Why not both?
4 min

Delivery vs. Quality – Why not both?

Delivery vs. Quality – Why not both? from Coralogix Previously, we talked about the huge amount of time that software developers spend on maintenance. In this…

This is what your developers are doing 75% of the time, and this is the cost you pay
2 min

This is what your developers are doing 75% of the time, and this is the cost you pay

This is what your developers are doing 75% of the time, and this is the cost you pay from Coralogix Following our last post on how…

$100M raised | 12 Months | 4 Companies | 1 Surging market
3 min

$100M raised | 12 Months | 4 Companies | 1 Surging market

In the world of DevOps and continuous delivery, Log Analytics tools are quickly emerging as a crucial component for an effective strategy towards improved maintenance procedures…

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