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Coralogix Blog Archive: Cloud

AWS re:Invent 2023 Recap
3 min

AWS re:Invent 2023 Recap

As we reflect on AWS re:Invent 2023, the Coralogix team is invigorated by the incredible response and feedback we received from the thousands of participants who…

On-premise vs. On the Cloud
8 min

On-premise vs. On the Cloud

Since its emergence in the mid-2000s, the cloud computing market has evolved significantly. The benefits of reliability, scalability, and cost reduction using cloud computing have created…

AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions vs Google Cloud Functions
7 min

AWS Lambda vs Azure Functions vs Google Cloud Functions

Serverless computing is on the rise, having already earned the mantle of “The Next Big Thing”. For developers, serverless computing means less concern regarding infrastructure when…

11 Tips for Avoiding Cloud Vendor Lock-In 
7 min

11 Tips for Avoiding Cloud Vendor Lock-In 

Cloud vendor lock-in. In cloud computing, software or computing infrastructure is commonly outsourced to cloud vendors. When the cost and effort of switching to a new…

Is CloudWatch Really Cost Efficient?
6 min

Is CloudWatch Really Cost Efficient?

One of the keys to CloudWatch’s success is its no bang, no buck billing cloud cost optimization system. The pricing structure has been designed from the…

Strategically Managing Cloud Resources for Security, Fun, and Profit
14 min

Strategically Managing Cloud Resources for Security, Fun, and Profit

The first time I created a cloud compute instance, then called a “Cloud VM”, was an almost transcendent moment. It was like magic. I was at…

5 Intermediate-Level Tips to Reduce Cloud Costs
3 min

5 Intermediate-Level Tips to Reduce Cloud Costs

Cloud cost optimization. Everybody wants to keep them down as much as possible while maintaining reliability and service quality. In this post, we’d like to go…

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