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Coralogix Blog Archive: Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch Release: Roundup of Change in Version 8.1.0
5 min

Elasticsearch Release: Roundup of Change in Version 8.1.0

Elastic released a major version of its platform on February 10, 2022. Version 8.0.0 is the latest major version. There has already been a new minor…

Configuring Kibana for OAuth
11 min

Configuring Kibana for OAuth

Kibana is the most popular open-source analytics and visualization platform designed to offer faster and better insights into your data. It is a visual interface tool…

Elasticsearch Audit Logs and Analysis
8 min

Elasticsearch Audit Logs and Analysis

Security is a top-of-mind topic for software companies, especially those that have experienced security breaches. This article will discuss how to set up Elasticsearch audit logging…

Elasticsearch Query Examples – Hands-on Tutorial
37 min

Elasticsearch Query Examples – Hands-on Tutorial

Elasticsearch is a popular distributed search and analytics engine designed to handle large volumes of data for fast, real-time searches. Elasticsearch’s capabilities make it useful in…

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