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Elasticsearch Audit Logs and Analysis
8 min

Elasticsearch Audit Logs and Analysis

Security is a top-of-mind topic for software companies, especially those that have experienced security breaches. This article will discuss how to set up Elasticsearch audit logging…

Logging Best Practices: Knowing What to Log
10 min

Logging Best Practices: Knowing What to Log

What should we log? First of all, don’t ask this! Instead of asking what to log, we should start by asking “what questions do we want…

Observability and Cyber Resiliency – What Do You Need To Know?
8 min

Observability and Cyber Resiliency – What Do You Need To Know?

Observability is one of the biggest trends in technology today. The ability to know everything, understand your system, and analyze the performance of disparate components in…

Elevate Your Event Data With Custom Data Enrichment in Coralogix
3 min

Elevate Your Event Data With Custom Data Enrichment in Coralogix

Have you ever found yourself late at night combing through a myriad of logs attempting to determine why your cluster went down? Yes, that’s a really…

The latest Github outage and how it impacts observability
3 min

The latest Github outage and how it impacts observability

Every now and then, issues occur that disrupt the very fabric of global software engineering. Chief amongst them is the recent mass outage of Github. Github…

Adding Observability to Your CI/CD Pipeline in CircleCI
8 min

Adding Observability to Your CI/CD Pipeline in CircleCI

The simplest CI/CD observability pipeline consists of three stages: build, test, and deploy.  In modern software systems, it is common for several developers to work on…

Elasticsearch Release: Roundup of Changes in 7.13.3
7 min

Elasticsearch Release: Roundup of Changes in 7.13.3

Elastic made their latest minor Elasticsearch release on May 25, 2021. Elasticsearch Version 7.13 contains the rollout of several features that were only in preview in…

Announcing our $55M Series C Round Funding to further our storage-less data vision
3 min

Announcing our $55M Series C Round Funding to further our storage-less data vision

It’s been an exciting year here at Coralogix. We welcomed our 2,000th customer (more than doubling our customer base) and almost tripled our revenue. We also…

How to Mitigate DevOps Tool Sprawl in Enterprise Organizations
9 min

How to Mitigate DevOps Tool Sprawl in Enterprise Organizations

There’s an insidious disease increasingly afflicting DevOps teams. It begins innocuously. A team member suggests adding a new logging tool. The senior dev decides to upgrade…

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