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Coralogix is recognized by Gartner as a Cool Vendor in Performance Analysis
4 min

Coralogix is recognized by Gartner as a Cool Vendor in Performance Analysis

As the leading log management and analytics platform, we’re proud to announce that we’ve been recognized in the Gartner “2020 Cool Vendors in Performance Analysis” report…

CI/CD Tutorial: How to deploy an AWS Jenkins Pipeline
13 min

CI/CD Tutorial: How to deploy an AWS Jenkins Pipeline

In the previous article, we have created the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline for a simple Java application. It is now time to start working on the…

Elasticsearch Autocomplete with Search-As-You-Type
8 min

Elasticsearch Autocomplete with Search-As-You-Type

You may have noticed how on sites like Google you get suggestions as you type. With every letter you add, the suggestions are improved, predicting the…

Kibana Dashboard Tutorial: Spice up your Kibana Dashboards
14 min

Kibana Dashboard Tutorial: Spice up your Kibana Dashboards

Introduction When it comes to dashboarding, Kibana is king. Since its release Kibana has changed the way businesses visualize data. Kibana is a fairly intuitive platform…

Monitoring Jenkins: Essential Jenkins Logs to Watch Out For
13 min

Monitoring Jenkins: Essential Jenkins Logs to Watch Out For

Monitoring Jenkins is a serious challenge. Continuous auditing and logging are often overlooked, but it provides a wealth of information about the health of your Jenkins…

Is your logging ready for the future?
6 min

Is your logging ready for the future?

Log scaling is something that should be top of mind for organizations seeking to future-proof their log monitoring solutions. Logging requirements will grow through use, particularly…

How to automate VPC Mirroring for Coralogix STA
6 min

How to automate VPC Mirroring for Coralogix STA

After installing the Coralogix Security Traffic Analyzer (STA) and choosing a mirroring strategy suitable for your organization needs (if not, you can start by reading this)…

AWS Elasticsearch Pricing: Getting Cost Effective Logging as You Scale
4 min

AWS Elasticsearch Pricing: Getting Cost Effective Logging as You Scale

AWS Elasticsearch is a common provider of managed ELK clusters., but does the AWS Elasticsearch pricing really scale? It offers a halfway solution for building it…

Uptime Monitoring with Heartbeat
11 min

Uptime Monitoring with Heartbeat

Whenever you build a service and expose a set of endpoints to provide API access to that service, you’ll likely need to track their availability and…

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