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Kibana Lens Tutorial: Easily Create Stunning Visualizations
9 min

Kibana Lens Tutorial: Easily Create Stunning Visualizations

Millions of people already use Kibana for a wide range of purposes, but it was still a challenge for the average business user to quickly learn….

ELK Stack: 5 Common ELK Issues and How to Fix Them
6 min

ELK Stack: 5 Common ELK Issues and How to Fix Them

Running an ELK stack provides unrivaled benefits for your organization, however, ELK issues will inevitably crop up. ELK is scalable, and largely agnostic of internal infrastructure,…

Announcing Streama: Get complete monitoring coverage without paying for the noise
5 min

Announcing Streama: Get complete monitoring coverage without paying for the noise

With the new Streama capability announced today, you no longer have to choose what to monitor and what to drop to manage your logging cloud costs. …

Kafka Consumer Issues: Fixing JVM Garbage Collection Problems
9 min

Kafka Consumer Issues: Fixing JVM Garbage Collection Problems

  Kafka has become the last word in data streaming. It provides a highly performant, highly available messaging capability. We, at Coralogix, make heavy use of…

Aggregate Data with Elasticsearch Data Frames
11 min

Aggregate Data with Elasticsearch Data Frames

Ingesting various events and documents into Elasticsearch is great for detailed analysis but when it comes to the common need to analyze data from a higher…

Has Your ELK Stack Become Too Unwieldy to Manage?
7 min

Has Your ELK Stack Become Too Unwieldy to Manage?

The ELK stack has become a staple of log analytics in recent years, but so too have the stories of complex maintenance and poor scalability. We’re…

Logging Cost: Are You Paying The Same for All of Your Logs?
3 min

Logging Cost: Are You Paying The Same for All of Your Logs?

Fundamentally, there are logs that will be of intrinsic value to you, and others that are less business-critical. Are you aware of IT cost optimization? Are…

Is Your Team Spending too Much Time on Log Maintenance?
4 min

Is Your Team Spending too Much Time on Log Maintenance?

Log maintenance has a hidden cost. Engineers optimize their instance types, storage, networking, dependencies, and much more. However, we rarely consider the engineers themselves. A DevOps…

Essential Observability Techniques for Continuous Delivery
4 min

Essential Observability Techniques for Continuous Delivery

Observability is an indispensable concept in continuous delivery, but it can be a little bewildering. Luckily for us, there are a number of tools and techniques…

Where Modern Observability
and Financial Savvy Meet.