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Are your customers catching production problems 🔥 before you do?
5 min

Are your customers catching production problems 🔥 before you do?

Availability and quality are the biggest differentiators when people opt for a service or product today. You should be aware of the impact of your customers…

Prometheus Federation with Thanos: How Does Thanos Work?
8 min

Prometheus Federation with Thanos: How Does Thanos Work?

Prometheus is the cornerstone of many monitoring solutions, and sooner or later, Prometheus federation will appear on your radar. A well monitored application with flexible logging…

Elasticsearch Hadoop Tutorial with Hands-on Examples
25 min

Elasticsearch Hadoop Tutorial with Hands-on Examples

In this Hadoop Tutorial lesson, we’ll learn how we can use Elasticsearch Hadoop to process very large amounts of data. For our exercise, we’ll use a…

Writing Effective Suricata Rules with Examples [Best Practices]
8 min

Writing Effective Suricata Rules with Examples [Best Practices]

This post will help you write effective Suricata Rules to materially improve your security posture. We’ll begin with a breakdown of how a Rule is constructed…

Improve Elasticsearch Query Performance with Profiling and Slow Logs
10 min

Improve Elasticsearch Query Performance with Profiling and Slow Logs

If our end users end up too long for a query to return results due to Elasticsearch query performance issues, it can often lead to frustration….

The Cloud Network Security Gap
13 min

The Cloud Network Security Gap

Before we dive into the gap in cloud network security, let’s take a step back. If you’ve been in Operations for a while, you might remember…

Strategically Managing Cloud Resources for Security, Fun, and Profit
14 min

Strategically Managing Cloud Resources for Security, Fun, and Profit

The first time I created a cloud compute instance, then called a “Cloud VM”, was an almost transcendent moment. It was like magic. I was at…

Machine Learning Log Analysis and Why You Need It
4 min

Machine Learning Log Analysis and Why You Need It

Your log monitoring solution works through millions of lines of logs, which makes implementing a machine learning solution essential. Organizations are turning to machine learning log…

Elasticsearch Vulnerability: How to Remediate the Most Recent Issues
6 min

Elasticsearch Vulnerability: How to Remediate the Most Recent Issues

An Elastic Security Advisory (ESA) is a notice from Elastic to its users of a new Elasticsearch vulnerability. The vendor assigns both a CVE and an…

Observability and Security
that Scale with You.