[Workshop Alert] Dynamic Scoring for WAF Actions and CloudFront Traffic - Save Your Seat Now!

Live Workshop

Dynamic Scoring
for WAF Actions and CloudFront Traffic

EMEA - Oct 22 | APAC - Oct 23 | NORAM - Oct 24
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Join our virtual workshop, where we’ll dive into advanced strategies for monitoring AWS WAF and CloudFront performance using Coralogix and PromQL.

Learn how to transform complex WAF & Cloudfront logs into custom scores, that can be understood by everyone, from your CEO to your intern, that form the bedrock of your actionable security insights.

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Event Duration: 1 hour

Oct 22, 2024
2 pm BST / 3 pm CEST

Oct 23, 2024
4.30 pm IST

Oct 24, 2024
1pm EDT

Register Now!

WAF and CDN performance metrics provide crucial insights into traffic behavior, allowing businesses to fine-tune security policies, enhance user experience, and maximize the resilience of their cloud infrastructure.

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • How to connect AWS telemetry into the Coralogix platform.
  • Build custom metrics, derived from logs coming in from AWS WAF & CloudFront
  • Roll up your custom metrics into a single, digestible score that can be used to prioritize and measure the behaviors of users, via your WAF & CDN Logs.
  • Build dashboards that provide immediate insight into your security posture, and highlight the bad actors that really need your attention.

Fill out the form to grab your seat!

Meet the Speakers

Chris Cooney
Chris Cooney
Head of Developer Experience

Chris is the Head of Developer Experience at Coralogix and is passionate about all things observability, organizational leadership, and cutting-edge engineering. He’s worked on everything, from internal developer platforms, enormous Kubernetes clusters, embedded systems running industrial batteries on the UK balancing mechanism and more.

Kamil Bogacz
Edge Specialist Solutions Architect, AWS

Kamil is an Edge Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. He advises customers across industries on how to make the most of distributed infrastructure in building performant and secure applications with AWS Edge Services. Advocate of long-term solutions that not only meet today’s demands but also scale seamlessly for the future.